The instruction category is not for everyone – none of the Engrish you see here will make Engrish of the Week. There is a demand for it however, since has received hundreds of submissions. Here are some of the better ones from Japan and China.
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Some hobo may occur…
If your eyes are damaged, you won’t see the bums…
Photo courtesy of Derek Collier.
LED lights imported from China.
Pass me that foot…
They fall apart the first 3 years but you get 10 good years…
Photo courtesy of Dave Dinkler.
3-D Puzzle package instructions.
I’ve never seen anything like it…
Cocoon growth – the pandemic of the 21st century…
After throw ball, run.
Doesn’t burn in a fire… any other way to kill it?
Photo courtesy of S.G.
Found on an old package that contained balls with real gunpowder inside.
Wrap that neck hair!
Be careful of anything that emits…
Photo courtesy of David Jones.
Instructions from a dollhouse “coffee shop” model kit.
You know what… wink wink.
Squirt guns available upon request.
Photo courtesy of Oliver Papa.
Found at restaurant bathroom in Japan.
Yeah, because I take magnetic balls everywhere…
It’s also very danger to leave on floor.
Photo courtesy of Doyle.
Instructions from little magnet balls.