Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Tight Dependence Engrish.
Batteries not included
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Curry ’em around all day
Disguised in a nice batter.
iStir and iFry are the latest hi-tech cuisine. Wash your hands before and after using the devices.
Mmmmmm, Chicken Motorola. Mmmmmmmm.
Compatible with BlackBerry’s
I have a nice hand-held device.
But if you put curry on it, I will wring your neck.
Sun Tzu and The Art of Raw.
I dip my phone in Curry,
I do it at any place,
Though it makes it smell real funny,
It sticks it to my face.
Usually located in women’s handbags
They don’t work anymore. The circuitry is fried.
– Excuse me, Madam? There’s a piece of curry in your ear…
You just know there’ll be cumin.
Tastes like iChicken.
– Waiter! What is this yellow blob?
– A fingerprint scanner, Sir.
@ Droll not Troll: Well, it looks like my portable device works properly: After I turned it on, my hands became all sticky. o_O
Ach. Dies ist ein Hans frei device.
This is a hands fry device.
Made with iBeanPods and USB (Ultra Salty Butter)
The device and apps are made and developed in India
Dispose of your curry handheld devices safely,
by transferring all your downloaded files
through the spicy port of fire and into the recycle bin for composting.
These, are the existential bits of the Super Computer
(Hitchiker’s Guide to The Galaxy.)
CAUTION: Please avoid finger interaction
Yeah! I know it was mice. But. This is a Chinese one.
Paying 42 yen for a month of curry subscription is good deal
Now we know what happens to all our e-waste.
For those who aren’t getting enough electromagnetic radiation from external sources.
Mom! Can you speak up? I can hardly hear you!
– Sam Sung Curryed Phone. And Apple PiePad, please.
Scanners. The budget remake of the Cronenberg classic.
The new wonder drug for curing constipation.
@ First captioner: Maybe that’s “Batter not included”.
The perfect device for calling customer service.
@engrishwebmaster: I would vote that those who consistently clutter up the captions page with more than half a dozen entries each have their handheld devices curried and deep fried. Give the rest of us a chance!
– Don’t talk to people over the curry with your ear full of phone, honey!
3DhanSak is better than PS Vindaloo
Mmmm… Tastes battery!
Watch out for Nokias inside your curry! They can break your teeth!
The FCC is going to have a hissy fit.
Um . . . I thought it was meant for the MOUTH, no ?
iPad Thai.
Anybody watched that horror movie ‘One Missed Meal’?
Just curryous.
The iFeed – the latest fashion necessity
If you have any complaints about your food, the call center is in India.
-hello tech support? yes, i downloaded your app, and then when i opened it, all of a sudden this brownish sauce started oozing out
-*tastes sauce* there’s only 1 man who would dare give me the curry. LONE STAR! *begins bollywood dance*
“Can you eat me now?…Good!”
Well done by iFixit team
maybe,it sould tastes electric
Another innovation from Nokia!
Spicy or extra porno?
“Hello guys, techrax here and today we are going to fry the phone into a curry