Be careful what you pick up…
posted on 21 Aug 2008 in Engrish from Other Countries
No really honey, I picked it up at the store…
Photo courtesy of Christopher Lees.
Found in a Riyadh Supermarket.
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Wow they’re so cheap overseas! damn expensive domestic product!
If you have to catch herpes, at least make sure it’s fresh!
fleshly pricked!!
Bad Date
1 cup fresh herpes
8 oz. of chlamydia
2 3/4 lbs. of freshy grated gonorrhea
2 bottles of white zinfandel
mix together with a dose of regret… happy times.
We need to bring fresh herpes, some crabs, and salmon-ella to Senator Fuk’s erection party. They’ll love it.
can you tell me where I can find aids?
“excuse me, are the fresh herpes local or imported?”
“i’m not sure, let me ask the produce guy.”
“could you? i need to know because depending on where they’re from i can just get some at home from the girl i brought home last night…thanks.”
Oh, come on, honey, but I ordered chlamydia!
“Riyadh brand herpes; now grown without preservatives!”
The next best to the manga 銀ã¨é‡‘
Great! Now I have the final ingredient for my Gonda-herpa-sypil-itus!
Saudi is so cheap. You can never find fresh herpes at this price.
Looks like Safeway near Fal center in Riyadh.
Cross contamination goes a long way people
THAT’S where STD’s originated!!
Lol.. Herpes… I think it happened because “p” and “b” are interchangable in Arabic, so someone thought it would be a good idea to settle with p. And hilarity ensues.
Cause they ran out of chlamydia…
damn!! And i just payed 1.95 for a pound of herpes!
is it better to use fresh or dried herpes for lasagne?
But are they organic?
is is a coincidence ‘Herpes’ is the cheapest?…
they go well with the dried rape on isle three
I had stale herpes once, and, ya know, this fresh stuff might just be delicious!
Get ’em while you can! They burst into season twice a year, but unfortunately you never know exactly when they might appear….
0,95 only!
And all these years I’ve just been GIVING it away. If only I’d known there was a market for this stuff.
nothing is safe anymore
And I thought that the e coli spinach was bad…
*Fresh* — so much better the ones you get from a can.
The full of flavour herb that makes a nice addition to salads. Farmed from proffesional hookers!
WOW! so cheap
I hear Hugh Hefner will give you fresh herpes really cheap.
What a deal, only 0.95!
I know it starts with an H, but it is pronounced “erpies.”
the HIV is fresh too. It’s down the hall, next to the apple juice.
At last!!! I’ve been looking everywhere for these fresh herpes! and here they were at my local grocer the whole time with such an unbeatable price!
Last week it was on sale along with some organic syphilis..
I wouldn’t have got the Herpes, but the CONDOMents were sooo expensive…
You can get Chlamydia over buy the apples.
You can get Chlamydia over by the apples.
read the fine print, people.
that’s why you should never buy veggies wrapped in blister pack
cold sores… get your ice cold sores here!
Where can I find the crabs?
vegetableman not wash hand?
I is the herpes anywhere close to the CONDOMents?
Husband: “Oooohh fresh herpes is cheap today hun! Can I grab some?”
Wife: *Stares wickedly and skakes head*
but i dont have enough cash for the clap……..
Grocery shopping made SIMPLEX…….
That’s what you get when you pick up a 95 cent whore…
Wow! Is that 95 cents for a lifetime supply?!?
OW! I cut myself. Any chance of band-AIDS?