Silicon Valley Bank’s slogan…
This is why I don't buy bank stocks...
Photo courtesy of John Y. Shirt spotted in Japan.
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That’s how you got your restraining order…
HR would like to see you...
Photo courtesy of Gwen R. Shirt spotted in Japan.
My butcher is my dealer…
It's sad because Porky was in recovery...
Photo courtesy of C.W.
I did some kid stuff as a kid when I was a kid…
But now I’m an adult in my adulthood...
Photo courtesy of P.J. Shirt spotted in Japan.
That’s not all that’s filling my denim…
I fell asleep before they dried: disaster.
Photo courtesy of Yuna N. Shirt label spotted in Japan.
Rise up cautiously…
Our uprising has a few bugs...
Photo courtesy of C.C. Shirt spotted in Japan.
Groovy a hell!
I re ally li ke this t-sh irt.
Photo courtesy of R.C. Shirt spotted in Japan.
Prtity is only skin deep…
Side action only.
Boundaries are good....I respect a girl with well-defined boundaries...
Photo courtesy of Jeff S. Shirt spotted in Japan.
I TOLD you farming wasn’t real…
No fairy-farms, no ice cream. Simple as that.
Photo courtesy of Gary C.