August 29th, 2013

I smell a law suit

With advanced bedside manners...

Photo courtesy of Nicholas Sheram. Found in Shanghai, China. 

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August 28th, 2013

Tenderized by hand

Free meal if you can snatch this pebble from my hand...

Photo courtesy of Antoine Bercovici. Menu from Three Gorges Project Hotel. 

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August 27th, 2013

Model Window

Please enjoy glorious greetings!

Photo courtesy of Paddy Browning. Found in Nanchong, China. 

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August 26th, 2013

Now THAT’S a man toilet

Photo courtesy of Leonard Zimmerman. Found at coffee shop in Suwon, Korea. 

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (244 votes, average: 4.75 out of 5)
August 25th, 2013

Made with junk and stuff…

Photo courtesy of Leonard Zimmerman. Menu from upscale Italian restaurant in Busan, Korea. 

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August 24th, 2013

Adult insertion only

Also can be used as a pen...

Photo courtesy of Simon Burgess. 

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August 23rd, 2013

Just what I need – vegan shoes…

Photo courtesy of James Drakos. Shoe purchased in China. 

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August 22nd, 2013

And the seafood just stays out of their way

Photo courtesy of Michael. Menu found in Shanghai. 

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August 21st, 2013

Three texts cure/many privates

Photo courtesy of Michael. Found at restaurant in Shanghai. 

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August 20th, 2013

I have no qual problem of us

I'll see you in about ten date.

Photo courtesy of Brittany Ridge. Tag found on pair of pants in Singapore. 

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