Tissue, toilet paper, soaps, shampoo, etc. Japan has a million different kinds of toiletries to keep people clean – and amused if you are an Engrish watcher.
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Helps decompose unhealth?
posted on 18 Jan 2012 in Toiletries
I’ll keep an eye out for another bottle
That’s the last time you’ll lip off to me…
Photo courtesy of Celina Chan.
Korean makeup remover found in Hong Kong.
It’s like a cold shower in every tube!
Photo courtesy of Derick Jansen.
Chinese product found in South Africa.
Hand cleaner
Dissolves rusty nails in seconds. Deters rats and little sisters!
Photo courtesy of Rasmus Mortensen.
Found in Seoul, Korea.
Consult your doctor if effect lasts more than 4 hours…
posted on 7 Feb 2011 in Toiletries
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