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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
Pressure Sensor Alerts When Brushing Too Hard
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this explains the contacts on her teeth
Many different speeds for the morning after those big nights out.
It is a real eye opener.
Eye had bad teeth… now eye can see!
It can polish your eyelashes too.
It also protects your vision with “Fluoreyed”.
I’d give my eye teeth for one of those.
I don’t think this will work as a red eye removal tool, more like the contrary.
Good eye care is important. Nobody likes it when the ophthalmologist needs to drill holes in their eyes.
By the way, you can clean your glasses after refreshing your eyes.
Oh, and they come in pairs so you can refresh both eyes at the same time. Nice!
‘Cause nothing says “refreshment” like corneal abrasions.
You’ll notice that in the picture on the packaging you can’t see the model’s eyes. There’s a reason for that.
That explains “a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye” ^_^
FYI, “ai” is tooth is Japanese.
Just whay my eye-teeth needed.
@Smegma: “Love” the extra info. Thanks. 🙂
This didn’t hurt nearly as much as the Listerine pre-rinse. Make sure your floss under the eyelid!
In case this still doesn’t help, use our ‘Eye & Lip Remover’.
Apparently these are replacement heads for a product that can be used as both an “eye refresher” and a toothbrush, depending on the head you use. You can see the cup that would be used for your eyes to the left side of the picture. So it’s more of a bizarre product than mistaken English per se.
@ Smegma: “Ai” is not tooth in Japanese. Tooth is “ha”
♪ Ai, Eye, Yi, Yi… I am the Refresho Bandito…♪
That’s one way to get bright eyes!
Helps remove decay caused by eye candy.
It makes wonders, but still won’t change your dioptry.
Johnson, you dolt, that’s supposed to say “REFLESHER.”
if you have astigmatism, this will cure it. and if you don’t have astigmatism, this will give you astigmatism so you CAN cure it.
I hate talking. Always gives me a seizure =/
don’t shoot until you see the whites of their teeth
Afterwards you’ll “Speak no evil, hear no evil and see no – thing”.
Guys, the brush is for the teeth, and there’s a seperate attachment for eye rinsing. (I think)
Look on the left side of the package, and you can see the eye cleaning attachment.
Why opt for costly lasic eye treatment? With the eye refresher, you can simply brush off uneven cornea or clouded eye lens…….
No I don’t need the Eye Refreshers I was looking for a pair of teeth glasses…. ahh make that 16 pairs please.
Eye Refresher? I miss those simple times of Air Freshener…
Wow! Now my eyes feel brand new! Hey, who turned all the lights off?
Don’t forget to fross your eyerids..
It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.
well, actually this is a real eye massager. I’m not joking, I saw in a store here in Tokyo.
you cannot unsee
Jigsaw’s messing with company products again. >:]
great for those moments when brain bleach doesn’t work!
crap, i wish I could see where I put my eye brush.