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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
We Always Happy When You Is
posted on 14 Mar 2005 in Chinglish
In the name of the Lord, I cast thee into the trash…
Photo courtesy of Iain Inglis.
Sign found in Wuhan, China.
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For the excorsict who has everything, the rubbbish tin of Doom
Where the Jeremy Kyle / Jerry Springer guests are found…
The power of the Parks Committee compels you!
This is CRAP!
tangina nyo!
What?! Without a hazmat suit?! No wonder he’s missing hands and feet.
oh no! inprision all the evil rubbish before it conquers the world!!!!!
I guess now we know where we can get rid of all the Obama ’08 signs when the election is over.
Harmless and Benevolent Rubbish must be deposited elsewhere.
Bad rubbish, BAD.
Ideal for grandma underwear disposal.
From hell’s recycling bin, I sneer at thee!
I think I just saw the trash move…
can i put my neibourgh s’dog in it
Where Big Brother contestants can go when they get evicted
im sure this is a safe place to put this
Evil rubbish indeed.
Is that my comic book collection?
Where does the pure and holy rubbish go?
Hey Sergeant Jack- the election IS over, and now you know how we felt for the last 8 YEARS!!!!!!! I am having my sign framed….(-:
If I was you, I would restrain from throwing garbage to that garbage bin!
I’ve heard bin Laden conspired with the evil rubbish to make the entire landfill an undesirable place to be in! Clean people everywhere, we must be vigilant!
what about nice and harmles rubish?
where diablo, baal, and mephisto was thrown…
“goot……..goot” job….
the raign of the evil (rubish) shal end! halleluyah!
“And forgive us our trash baskets, as we forgive those who throw trash in our baskets…”
in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. Amen. *throws rubbish*
“Depart from me ye evil, into the garbage prepared for the dirty and it’s companions”
We ran out of biohazard signs…so this will have to do.
@Bridget-There are a lot of liberals nowadays who WOULD like to place their Obama sign in there!
I is hate political¤
Seriously no matter how good this comment would have been, it cant beat the included caption…
Guess only machine translation can produce evil rubbish:)
lol damn you, evil rubbish!!!
Oh, Jove! What excessive use of pathetic fallacy. ‘Tis un peux wearisome, is it not?
Toxic or Harmful Rubbish (a better translation)
Begone foul rubbish! In Jesus’ name, I banish thee back to the depths of hell!
Those little squares don’t look really poisonous & evil …
Finally, there’s now a place for that Dianetics book I was given once…
At least there’s a place for it.
Mordor finally cleans up its act.