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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Humor Times...
Did we mention thickbamboolotussavory?
Slippery chicken, ad hoc, and griskin come with instructions.
Photo courtesy of Benjamin Johnston.
Menu found in Henan, China.
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We just make it up as we go along.
Not McDonalds then
Lovely bamboo, wonderful bamboo
Lovely bamboo, wonderful bamboo
Lovely bamboo
Lovely bamboo
Lovely bamboo
bamboo, bamboo, bamboo. bamboo,
– Waitercanigetsomethingwithoutthickbamboolotussavory?
Special today – spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam and thickbamboolotussavory
Basket Bamboo Asection Of Spam
Spam Meal ………………………………..28
Basket Bamboo Asection Of Spam
Spam Meal ………………………………..18
Basket Bamboo Asection Of Spam
Spam Meal ………………………………..18
Basket Bamboo Asection Of Spam
Spam Meal ………………………………..
@ GwydionM: Did not intend to spam your spam my spam spam spam … ;p
cockrooster?– Waiter, I told you to add hoc!
The whole menu is a basket case.
CAUTION: Slippery when eel
CHICKEN: Slippery when meal
Slippery chicken meal: the cook will grease up a live chicken and try to catch it while running through the restaurant.
Does the Eel Meal come with a toy?
I’d like a low-fat SKINNYbamboolotussavory.
Ad Hoc Meal. We make it up as we go, like we did with our menu. But you can be damn sure it will contain thickbamboolotussavory.
“It puts the thickbamboolotussavory in the basket.”
They’re better than that place across the street that serves thickbamboonotassavory.
Used to call it “leftovers” but ad hoc sounded swankier.
griskin (n) : A lean cut of meat from the loin of a pig.
Today I learned a new word.
@jjhitt: I also learned a new word today: thicklotusbamboosavory.
Ad hoc meal? Is this fast food cuisine?
You had me at eel meal.
– May I recommend our Basket Bamboo Asection Of Thickbamboolotussavory, Sir?
– No, thanks. Just a Basket Bamboo Asection Of Thickbamboolotussavory, please.
You don’t want to know about the Bsection.
– Waiter, my chicken is slippy!
– You should keep it awake, Sir.
Is the slippery chicken also rude and unreasonable?
Whoever wrote this menu must have been savoring the lotus.
When is asection, not a section.
For the Dean Martin fans:
♫When an Eel bites your heel,
With those teeth made of steel,
That’s a Moray.♪
Assuming the Lotus position on a piece of Bamboo, would be, err, surprising.
Scene from the Asection of Bamboo.
We’re losing him. Nurse we need a litre of intravenous Sweet and Sour sauce. Ready the Monosodium Glutamate. Ready with the Soy. NOW! Infuse 100 grams of Tofu.
Too late. We’ve lost him. Into the Steak and Blackbean with him.
OK. I can roughly understand the rest.
WTF is a Griskin Meal.
If you tell me it is made of ground up Griskins, sorta like Cornmeal. I may seek you out. 😈
For people with copy-taste
I hope they really mean griskin and not Gliksin 😀
The menu is Supercalithickbamboolotussavorious.
Pork Hocs
“Thickbamboolotussavory”, huh? Sure~ easy for YOU to say!
(At least it wasn’t the “ThinBaboonLetsNotAndSayWeDid” meal.)
I feel I have to squeal because that eal meal is such a great deal it’s almost a steal.
^ Ugh, I mistyped “eel” there =/
Choke that slippery chicken.
Mmmm. The ad hoc sounds good.
Basket Bamboo Asection Of Thickbamboolotussavory Meal At Large
Our restaurant’s motto is “serving meals for a purpose, namely thickbamboolotussavory”
Notasgoodasmum’s thickbamboolotussavory
Thickbamboolotussavory – it’s what’s for dinner…and lunch, breakfast, snacks…