Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Happy Greet With Engrish!
Sorry, Mr. Tojo.
Suicide bombers will be asked to leave unexploded.
Photo courtesy of Amrish Nagessersing.
Found at a club in Suhou, China.
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Hari Kari or plane flying.
The person who mean to slip our country are also known as the slippery, and as we all know the slippery are very crafty.
Do you run with the Jets, the Sharks, or the Buddhists?
Advice for not properly person:
1. Take a minor
2. Slip the country carefully (like Dalai Lama, Zen, Mr. Smith etc).
I bet an american alcoholic dwarf who lived in Afghanistan for some time, is pro-Tibet, has an uncle who fought at the Pacific in the WW II, and whose grandfather was ill at the beginning of the 20th century would be instantly killed!!
Signs have been proven to be great anti-terrorism measure.
Club Forbid, where it’s not so good to be KING.
The Dalai Lama and I were just hanging out, having a few beers, checking out the chicks and they asked us to leave.
The nerve.
“Somebody set up us the Dalai Lama.”
“What you say.”
“Our Club Forbid These Person Come”
Is this a disco or a premature ejaculation clinic?
I love how bad dress sense rates higher than terrorism & war crimes
“It’s OK, officer, I’m used to it. I drive this way all the *hic* time.”
Osama and Saddam were kicked out when they were found to be the masterminds behind 911
Santa couldn’t join. He insists on coming once each year.
Is that “Asia Minor” or “Asian Minor” ?
The Dalai Lama, Tojo and Osama Bin Laden walk into a Tokyo bar. The bartender says, “Hey! Can’t you read! We don’t serve your kind here.” So the Dalai Lama says…uhhh… sorry… I forgot the punch line…
Okay, so where is the entrance to the Dalai Lama clique? I hear they have the hottest babes there.
KING not allowed? But . . . but . . . he had a dream!
We only serve drunks in this bar. Get those designated drivers out of here!
Everyone else, please feel yourself at home.
Dolly the Lamma was sure it was a case of mistaken identity.
Looks like US visa forms.
NOTE: Engrish persons are asked not to read this sign – sick sense of humor must not be allowed.
Well I think that just about covers everybody
– We expect the Spanish Inquisition to be properly dressed. No horhe!
– Swimming persons must know at sea and are not allowed to swim if the water is not so deep
– Enemas are asked not to slip and to apologize for the possible incontinence
– You are asked to turn off your phone before entering
PS: If you are a sexy, please feel yourself at home. You must be satisfied!
I’m not a terrorist..I am “The person with inibility for peace!”
@Seventy2rd o clock: We weren’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition.
The person write the caption
Former terrorists and former drug dealers are allowed. But war criminals and drunk drivers are never forgiven.
OMG! I laughed so hard after reading all these comments that I almost busted a rib. Btw, Are those Falong Gong cult members allowed in this club?
Let’s not slip the country. Split it, you moron!
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition
i followed gaddafi’s twitter account… does that mean i can’t go in?
They had to 86 the Dalai Lama after that he got in fight with Pope and they tore the place up.
@ Chris & @ DrZos: But still, everybody keeps mentioning the Spanish Inquisition!
TSA could learn from this club. They are have successful method for identifying of terrorism person.
Is it all right if I get a bit aroused, but don’t come?
What if I’m not used to drive after drink? Can I come, then!!
Only person who MANUFACTURE drugs allowed.
You can’t trust those Japanese War Criminal groupies.
whatt he hell is hini virus? xxD
@pete: It’s actually h1n1 virus, not hini.
Thank God I only have HIV
no dalai lama allowed
No wonder drug trafficers get confused!
I sliped on China again?!?! Darn it!
Out. You too, Elvis.
Homeland Security. It’s the law!