Worried where the sugar comes from…
Photo courtesy of Primal Convoy. Found in Chiba, Japan.
Come again, any time!
2 men, one cup.
It will blow your mind
The oysters come with a string of pearls
Think I’ll pass on the coffee.
Stir vigorously, lads
Why not?
There is a Cat Cafe here in Brissie.
Pull yourselves together men. (Ji, giving staff a pep talk)
Cust: Does the waitress come with desert? \Ji: No. But she gets a bit hot and flustered during the lunch-time rush.
The best customer comes in, five times a day.
One Americano Shlongo please
“Jeez Jiz, you call this coffee? Cream’s all splattered about and curdled!”
Now I understand why those creamers are so tiny.
Get off on the hottezt jass muzik playz hereaboutz.
“We buzt a nut for our cuztomerz!” ™
Daily Haiku:
Anticipation in my heart, song in my pants — forte! …piano.
Ladies Night tonight with popular band The Rhythm Method!
Zip, whip… jis, jis — oh what a relief it is! ™
Jeez — open only six hours? Must be the senior center!
Nothing says entertainment like faux sealing wax on a poster.
Our staff’s members personally stir each dish for you! ™
Science & Literature Costume night tonight ~ Eureka! Thar she blows!
Medical Costume Night tonight — Nurse, I think I’m having a stroke!
Golfer’s Costume Night ~ Glory Hole in One!
Daily Double Haiku:
Coxswain orders strokes. Crew pull in time to that beat. Gunwales wash — cox-boxed.
The wages of sin is death!!
Yeah. I know the wages are lousy. But have a squiz at the working hours.
Would you like a schlong black or a fat white, ma’am?
Owned by Wayne King I guess.
Come again, any time!
2 men, one cup.
It will blow your mind
The oysters come with a string of pearls
Think I’ll pass on the coffee.
Stir vigorously, lads
Why not?
There is a Cat Cafe here in Brissie.
Pull yourselves together men. (Ji, giving staff a pep talk)
Cust: Does the waitress come with desert?
\Ji: No. But she gets a bit hot and flustered during the lunch-time rush.
The best customer comes in, five times a day.
One Americano Shlongo please
“Jeez Jiz, you call this coffee?
Cream’s all splattered about and curdled!”
Now I understand why those creamers are so tiny.
Get off on the hottezt jass muzik playz hereaboutz.
“We buzt a nut for our cuztomerz!” ™
Daily Haiku:
in my heart, song in my pants —
forte! …piano.
Ladies Night tonight with popular band The Rhythm Method!
Zip, whip… jis, jis — oh what a relief it is! ™
Jeez — open only six hours? Must be the senior center!
Nothing says entertainment like faux sealing wax on a poster.
Our staff’s members personally stir each dish for you! ™
Science & Literature Costume night tonight ~ Eureka! Thar she blows!
Medical Costume Night tonight — Nurse, I think I’m having a stroke!
Golfer’s Costume Night ~ Glory Hole in One!
Daily Double Haiku:
Coxswain orders strokes.
Crew pull in time to that beat.
Gunwales wash — cox-boxed.
The wages of sin is death!!
Yeah. I know the wages are lousy. But have a squiz at the working hours.
Would you like a schlong black or a fat white, ma’am?
Owned by Wayne King I guess.