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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Rat home with Xinfengtai!
posted on 30 Oct 2016 in Chinglish
If only the tools were as good as this translation.
Photo courtesy of Simon Scorer.
Puncture repair kit from China.
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Of all the tools I own, the one which gives pleasure, is more poular the ones which merely repair.
Demand the best demand a rattery
It is also good for creating punctures.
Will that be one spare rire or two
@Algernon 0404.. Can be exorcized by a cattery.
MSDE = Microsoft Server Data Ebgine.
A new brand of tire, self-driving cars, for internet connecte
Edit = A new brand of tire for internet connected, self-driving cars.
Ja, mein furRher!
The hole in my rire is not one that I need plugged!
Translated by Scooby Doo.
Msde in Cnina.
Lieutenant, get that flat fixed.
When did Mario become an auto mechanic?
They don’t see me rollin’ they translatin’!
The translator must be very tyred
What about tires lmao of rubber?
CEO: Basil the Rat
Headquarters: Fawlty Rubbers, Shanghai, direction of the
Business: RATional translation of tires into sum ting completely wong
Our translator can’ tread.
Wait… I don’t think it’s tires this stick is for repairing.
The tire he is rolling is a Bridgestone G Grid. It is a “directional” radial and one of the best “wet weather” radials around. Better than the much aadvertised Goodyear equivalent.
I use the Bridgees on the LJ Toranas I rebuild.
I don’t think rats need our help manufacturing homes.
NOTE: Ratteries not includet
Tap my market, you know you want to.
Rat Home. aRabRamma.
WeaR the skies are bRue.
Foot Shanghai marker… Is it something given to tourists to leave their trace whem being in Shanghai?
Difficult to steer yourself when you have a flat
@Yu No Hoo | 4:35 am: Haha! I just got the joke!
What other tires are not made of rubber?
Rat home? Just fix that lazy caR !