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Not an official Dark Souls T-shirt.
Plant a tree over a flower, and then burn it all and sing about it. Good plan.
Pray for you catch the win …. at the Nature Casino.
Sing sing sing any old crap will do
So what did the tree dong to the flower.
Welcome to California.
Only at the Stonehenge during Solar Solstice.
This message is a some of all its parts.
I tried to plant a sequoia tree on a daisy, but they proved incompatible.
I’m afraid this T-shirt caught the fail instead of the win.
Let us prey.
Before you celebrate the futility rites – remember – The night has a thousand eyes.
@Algernon 0408. Giving it a few roots. 😈
I couldn’t catch the win because there wasn’t even ligh breez.
Burn a fire, don’t extinsuish it.
Too long; didn’t do.
After reading all that, if I draw some I’ll probably shoot some.
I think they went with “Feel the Bern!” instead.
This is my exact routine every Patch Tuesday.
That’s the worst “legalize pot” argument I have ever seen.
OK, I get it, it’s an art festival, but why did it turn into this bizarre, pagan cult?
An eyewitness account of Woodstock.
The fire is burning, man.
I think the shirt is intended to be worn at the Burning Man Festival:
Can someone help me? My fires always come out underdone.
I should probably stay away from the fire; I’ve caught a bad case of the wins.
Somebody brought the good weed to the Boy Scout Jamboree.
I comment some and catch the win!