If it were Braveheart then he would always make freedom for all people.
Droll not Troll
9 years ago
When is rabbit hurting season?
Huu Yuu
9 years ago
Beijing of Hospital Force Police Doctor: “How are you feeling today?”
Patient: “It’s Hurt”
Doctor: “I always make hurt for all people especially for chatholics”
Droll not Troll
9 years ago
…especially for girl’s what?
9 years ago
It only hurts the first time.
9 years ago
Hare today. Gone tomorrow.
9 years ago
That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
Big Fat Cat
9 years ago
Rabbits are for girls, dogs are for boys.
Droll not Troll
9 years ago
Bunny says “I hop you feel better soon.”
9 years ago
Braveheart always makes hurt for all people especially William Wallace
9 years ago
Q: Why does the Easter Bunny hide Easter eggs?
A: He doesn’t want anyone knowing he’s been screwing the chickens!
9 years ago
It’s a little known fact that Bugs Bunny had a less successful brother named Brokenheart Bunny. “Ehh, ,what’s hurt, Doc?”
But I’m happy bunny
Let’s Hurt!
Its the breeding you know
If it were Braveheart then he would always make freedom for all people.
When is rabbit hurting season?
Beijing of Hospital Force Police Doctor: “How are you feeling today?”
Patient: “It’s Hurt”
Doctor: “I always make hurt for all people especially for chatholics”
…especially for girl’s what?
It only hurts the first time.
Hare today. Gone tomorrow.
That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
Rabbits are for girls, dogs are for boys.
Bunny says “I hop you feel better soon.”
Braveheart always makes hurt for all people especially William Wallace
Q: Why does the Easter Bunny hide Easter eggs?
A: He doesn’t want anyone knowing he’s been screwing the chickens!
It’s a little known fact that Bugs Bunny had a less successful brother named Brokenheart Bunny. “Ehh, ,what’s hurt, Doc?”
♫ “Hurt the wabbit, hurt the wabbit, hurt the wabbit!” ♫
May all ye girl’s enjoy a heartbroken holiday
Is the gift that “the rabbit done died”?
I was scrolling down, and the text of the shirt was funny enough – but the bunny rabbit got me laughing out loud!
The Heartbreak of Hasenpfeffer.
Brokenheart — isn’t that a movie about William Hurt?
You’re a…
heart breaker…
t-shirt maker…
grammar rule breaker…
don’t you mess around with me!
Really popular t-shirt amongst ISIS members…
“Broken hearts are for rabbits.” – Frank Zappa
Silly rabbit, broken hearts are for kids!
“Broken hearts are for assholes”
-Frank Zappa
Bet Anita Sharkesian won’t agree with that.