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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Not Chaotic
Its a happy smiley plaice
We cannot stop chatting.
Come and worship Cheeses.
For the Chatholic Anonymous
I believe in One Holy Chatholic Church. The Communion of the Insanes.
Brothers and Sisters, let us Tweet.
They can shave your shoul.
Stay away from the crystal METHodists.
Anyone can misspell a word, but since when did churches start putting Jack-O-Lanterns on their signs?
They misspelled Catoholic.
(I can has wafer?)
Thou shall not gossip during service
Thou shall not chat loudly during thy daily life.
Hello, My name is Cathy (HI, CATHY!) and I’m a Chatholic…Well-I-say-I’m-a-chatholic-but-it’s-more-like-a-hobby-or-an-interest-like-I-like-choocolate-but-am-I-really-a-chocoholic?-Have-you-ever-had-Milka-brand-chocolate?-I-LOVE-it-like-I-LOVE-Johnny-Depp-although-I-think-he’s-weird-sometimes-and-I-don’t-like-all-his-movies-but… Okay… I may have problem…
The head of the church is called phope.
The Phope is also known as the Holy Sheer.
One wrong letter doesn’t really qualify as Engrish.
[don’t be shy folks, you were going to Hell any way.]
I always thought it was dominoes and biscuits.
Yeah! The Catatonic Church is my sort of religion.
Don’t think of it as prayer, think of it as posting on God’s wall.
I can’t find find the emoji for THE FIRES OF HELL (U+1F6F4)?
A young Catholic minister named Bings,
Preached loudly on Heaven and things,
But his most fervent desire,
Was a young boy in the choir,
With a bottom like jelly-on-springs.
@BFC The rootin tootin ankh of Ahmen.
I think that rumbling sound I can hear, is Tutankhamun rotating in his grave like a chicken on a rotisserie.
I’m waiting for them to open the Alcoholic Church. I hear they have a *really* good communion.
Let’s chat and have a good laugh after all this silence of the lamps
– Amen! *hic*
gossip must be very hard to stifle at this church
The sermons go on for eternity.
The other day, Chardinal Carlie was elected Popa.
Chatty Cathy becomes Catholic.
Have the people hear ever go to chonfession?
OMG, you would not believe what happened today Lord! :O
@Huu Yuu: It sure won’t be Mormon.
Q: How do you get a nun pregnant?
A: Dress her like a alter boy.
They obviously misspelt CHATOHOLIC CHURCH (aka Gossip Church)
A place of CC meetings