A man had a parrot that could talk. Unfortunately, it swore a lot. In an effort to get the parrot to be quiet, he put him in a cupboard. The parrot continued swearing and after a while the man decided to put the bird in the freezer. After that, the parrot started swearing even more. After a few minutes, he suddenly became quiet. The man opened up the freezer and the parrot said, “I’m sorry, sir, it will never happen again.” As the man took the bird out of the freezer he wondered what the difference was between the cupboard… Read more »
Seventy2rd o clock
10 years ago
Patented by Wile E. Coyote (Carnivorous Vulgaris)
10 years ago
What if I eat rectally, or transdermally absorb food?
10 years ago
Something tells me that door swings both ways
Droll not Troll
10 years ago
And remember, the answer to this instruction is NOT “Bite me!”.
Droll not Troll
10 years ago
Sign outside the Gingerbread House.
10 years ago
A step forward from ‘thinking with your gut’, I guess…
And enter herbivorously
I’ll be a pig
Doorolous humorous!
Must be a butcher and greengrocer
The door is made of meat and potatoes.
Aren’t they closed obviously?
I will build a wall made out of both meat and vegetables!
If you close it herbivorously, you will be eaten by someone who closes it carnivorously.
And welcome to Jurassic Park!
Welcome to Food Chain!
I will close the door with my omnipotent hand.
Picky eaters Stay OUT!
But if I eat the door, I can’t close it.
“Order what you want, but eat what you get.”
The phrase ‘eat out’ takes on a whole new meaning.
Avoid the carnivorous doors
An extreme omnivore would ensure there was no longer a door to close.
Mmm! Door jam, my favourite!
Vegans will just have to put up with the draft.
This means you, Gaga.
Beware of the nomnomnomivore.
A man had a parrot that could talk. Unfortunately, it swore a lot. In an effort to get the parrot to be quiet, he put him in a cupboard. The parrot continued swearing and after a while the man decided to put the bird in the freezer. After that, the parrot started swearing even more. After a few minutes, he suddenly became quiet. The man opened up the freezer and the parrot said, “I’m sorry, sir, it will never happen again.” As the man took the bird out of the freezer he wondered what the difference was between the cupboard… Read more »
Patented by Wile E. Coyote (Carnivorous Vulgaris)
What if I eat rectally, or transdermally absorb food?
Something tells me that door swings both ways
And remember, the answer to this instruction is NOT “Bite me!”.
Sign outside the Gingerbread House.
A step forward from ‘thinking with your gut’, I guess…
You want jamb on it?
Thank you.
Signed: A. Termites
I always eat from the 4 main food groups daily.
1. McDonalds
2. Hungry Jacks
3. Red Rooster
4. Pizza Hut.
If vegetarian, leave door open. No air conditioning for you!
What if I close the door carnivorously?
Sorry about the door. I ate it.
If it was Diana Doors – she was eminently edible.