Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish - never against.
Featuring “Let it Bohemian Rhapsody”
My favorite track: “Another One Bites the Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Dust”
Photo taken by Magnus von Keil.
Bootleg DVD found in China.
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Get back then must be some concert
So that’s how The Beatles came back
In my opinion their best song was ‘Lucy in the sky will rock you’.
God save the Queen!
Beatles: The Queen of Rock and Roll
He loves you year year year
Feat. Freddie McCourtney from ‘The Beetles’
My favorite song: Crazy little thing called love me do.
Wenley Stadivm is situated at the entrance of an inter-dimensional rift between alternate dimensions.
I am not sure what to expect from this DVD colll ction.
Featuring many old favourites:
We Will Lock You
Bohemical Lapsody
We Are the Champibles
Fleddy Mercury gives an outstanding performance!
An amazing performance by the Beatle Queens!
I love the “Queer”!
Correct the whole COLLL CTION
Dedicated to Mark Chapman?
I read the News of the World today, oh boy….
Also includes “Baby You Can Dlive My Bicycre”
This DVD was made possible with a little help from my friends in China…
“We’re more popular than Nirvana.”
My fave cut is “You can call me Queen Beatle.”
Definitely belongs in my “COLLL CTION”.
Try also our ‘Beds Of’ pup-music correction:
Love At First Sign
*Photo of boot leg is nude at here!*
Remind me; which one is gay?
The whole DVD colll ction?
My DVDCD player needs a new stylus.
Always wanted a 3CD DVD colll ction. Can’t wait until this lies under my tree.
I am the Eggman; they are the Eggmen; we are the champions….
When I play the CD, it turns out to be Simeon and GarFunky’s Sound of Silence ” Hello Sucker my old Friend, you’ve been ripoff for today”!
Queen Bee-tles.
Is this the Chinese version of Dazed and Confused?
Live? We’re half dead.
We will, we will come together, right now, over me!
“Once there was a way to get back home on my bicycle…boy, your gonna carry that bicycle a long time.”
Mary Syphilis, I’m the Christmas Beetle.
TOO ridiculous, insane, and stupid to be believed.
I like that in a ridiculous, insane, and stupid blog.
featuring: Freddie Harrison, Roger McCartney, Brian Lennon, and Roger Starr
Featuring: Freddie Harrison, Roger McCartney, Brian Lennon, and John Starr
We are the champions, I am the walrus?
“Can’t Buy Me Somebody to Love” from the LP “A Hard Day’s Night at the Opera” is my favourite
Phreddie Phosphorus sings Freddie Mercury.
Drag Qveens?
Feat. ‘Lady-o Gaga’
Doesn’t the Queen live in Buckingham Palace?
So, Ringo and Freddie were really the same person?
I hope it has my favorite song, “I Wanna Hold Your Bicycle”
Queen does have a song, “Teo Torriate (Let Us Cling Together)” with lyrics in both Japanese and English.
Also, in their song “Let Us Entertain You”, they proclaim that they will sing to you in Japanese.
This cover deserves to have an actual album to go with it.
Hire a couple of tribute bands, and then just let them go crazy with a “Queenles/Beatqueens” mashup of lyrics, songs, and styles. Trust me, I’d buy the first copy, and they’d sell like hotcakes.
Anybody out there with connections to the music world, for the love of Freddie, John, and George, MAKE IT HAPPEN. It needs to happen.
Bohemian Wood.
Fat Bottomed Walruses
Her Majesty Killer Queen
This Thing Called Rain
Under Prudence
There already is a group called “Beatallica” – you should check it out.
Seriously, though: I wonder what is on this DVD? Is it Beatles or is it Queen? I think it’s more likely to be bootlegged Beatles music, not Queen, because Chinese people are more likely to know what the Beatles look like than what “QUEEN” says. Or maybe it’s actually Eric Crapton.