Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish brings you happy with joy
Sit down job
I did some overtime
Photo courtesy of Jonathan and Nitzan.
Found in Wudang Shan, Hubei province, China.
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I did it was hard
So I stepped back for the urination ….
Probably soiled too.
Might I suggest eating more fiber?
Bubble, bubble, toiled and trouble.
Through many dangers, TOILs and snares
I have already come!
Thank God!
Senna tablets may help.
erves the a—hole right.
erves? = serves; perves; nerves; verves?
I’m pooped.
Ask not for whom your bum toils,
It toils for thee Horatio.
I soilet myself
It’s a strange language that has a past tense for “toilet”.
Maybe it indicates where a toilet used to be.
It is an ex-toilet. It has ceased to be.
I worked my arse off in there!
MEND. The WOMEND is around the corner.
Double double, toiled and trouble,
Bowels burn and belly bubble!
Bowl of bran and castor oil,
make your tummy and ‘testines boil
Stew of prune and wheat of germ
Make the victim’s insides squirm!
Double double, toiled and trouble,
Rush to the bathroom, on the double! *witch cackling*
@DnT Not really. Note the trend in (modern?) English, to use “toilet” as a verb.
So if one toilets one’s self.
Then one could have toiletted themselves.
Wonder what a future tense will look like. (Possibly; OOPS! Too late)
Life was meant to be furry….Marum Katze.
@Lora. I thought the rumbling sound, was Shakey rolling around in his grave.
I can just picture the three witches morphing, into three nurses bearing enemas.
Visitors’ toilet in hospital–just round the corner from the labour ward.
@Marum: The future tense of toilet? Just as long as it isn’t “you shall not pass”. 😛
All your hard work will soon pass.
wait, if toilet is toild then boiled is boilet, right?
The restroom is 1km to the right, sir.
I was pooped and wiped !
In that order.
Workin’ in a poop mine
Goin’ down down down
Workin’ in a poop mine
Plop! about to slip down
Lee Dorkey
Gives a whole new meaning to “straining”.
In this bathroom, you have to clean it(toil) after using it.
Toiled again!
In case Nature calls rush into the toiled and led go.
it actually exist