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So its a men’s brothel
Home of the creative phallus
Well hello big boy
They seek further market penetration
The sister store is better…Pants Underwear Slacks Sneakers Yfronts
Try COCK today, either via the front door or our increasingly popular back entrance. A real hands on experience!
That’s a gay bar!
When the order arrives, the server will say, ” Thy Kingdom Come!”
Welcome to my Kingdom. I am the King of …. Crafts.
“It’s good to be king.”
@faulty wiring: Don’t you mean Crafts, Unique Notions, Things?
Call today. Ask for Wang.
I had no idea the place was so small.
jjhit@t: Some haven’t identified this yet even after help
This business is run by a couple of nuts.
Remember the first time you heard about cock fighting?
Those “creative oriental crafts” were just a bunch of doodles!
Be careful with crafts. You could prick your finger, or vice-versa.
The prices were a little inflated.
We’re especially good in wood crafting.
Well the Engrish has been a bit vulgar lately but at
least the last couple of days they’ve been very polite!
Is this where Puppetry of the Penis began?
It’s a craft shop. I’m sure you could walk in and get felt.
Thank you for trying Cock. Please come again.
Sorry, I’m already a member of the Valued Atelier Giving Infinite Necessary Advice…
This door swings both ways.
I wonder where the white paint is hiding.
@jjhitt | 4:51 am: It seems the proprietor’s name is really Miss Huong! 😀
We aren’t your usual DIY shop. Let us service you today !
@Droll not Troll: Sometimes a little prick can be very annoying.
Watch us intimately sculpt and fully erect new statues right before your eyes.
Tastes like chicken.
This shop is open to the general pubic.
Looks like they’re a little more liberal than Hobby Lobby.
Cock a doodle doo to you too.
Capo di tutti Capi
Maybe that explains some of our politicians. (a pox upon all their houses) They couldn’t achieve the amount of stupidity they display, playing with only one.
Priapism is our middle name.
@DnT Indeed! We have had two successive ones as Liberal Prime Ministers.
So solly. @Chris that should have been.
Please don’t bite the merchandise.
Assuming they are females of course. Males will have their water cut off.
I. Tu long Wang, approve this sign.
I worked in their marketing department most of my teenage years, never got many takers though….;-(
Members only.
The doorbell goes “Dong!”
Its well worth a try!
Try also our cockroach
Don’t shop here — with those ridiculous prices they are just trying to shaft you!