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Then let’s crush the Giants
posted on 12 May 2014 in Clothing
To be honest, the dwarf had it coming…
“Crush Dwarf Bravery” hoodie found in Japan.
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Yes it is a tragery
What did the dwarf do to deserves such bad things
I have a crush on dwarves
I’m Happy and I approved this message.
Japanese emo’s vs drunken Irish leprechauns is a fight I definitely want to see
or even between a group of emos and not the possessions of a single emo…
Bring out the steamroller.
After the War Of The Ring, msny Orcs went into the garment business.
Reminds me of an old Firesign Theater album I once had.
The Firesign Theater suggests you use pliers instead.
@Silly Uncle WIlly: Twisted minds think alike….
Don’t crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers.
Memento from last year’s Sauron, Inc. company picnic.
Down with dwarves! Oh, wait… they already are down.
Just like in ‘Snow White and the Crushed Dwarfs’
The designer of this T-shirt was arrested for harassing an endangered species.
Dwarf courage stains are almost impossible to get out of a shirt.
Every time they get brave, I just hit them on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. That ought to do the trick.
This morning on the way to work I drove into the back of a car, at some lights, while not really paying attention.
The driver got out and he was a dwarf.
He said, “I’m not happy.”
I replied, “Well, which one are you then?”
Snow Red and the Crushed Dwarves – a terrible tragedy
Dwarf Sravery?
Get rid of them.
They always have their noses in everybody else’s business.
Ninemsn news.Returning to the workshop, after purchasing some early supplies for Christmas, the reindeers suddenly bolted, and stomped several dwarves underfoot. The out of control sleigh, then careered through the workshop, crushing several more.
Mr Abbott stated: “This is all part of the innovative plan by the government to reduce unemployment.”
The leader of the opposition Mr Shorten said. “This, is a devious plan by the Liberals, to crush the membership of the ADWUAC.” (Amalgamated Dwarf Workers Union of the Arctic Circle)
Poco a poco.
Soundtrack by Killer Dwarfs..
Das Zwergenwerfen.
Does this make me look like a fairy?
Those dwarfs deserve to be crushed, pretending that they were the brave ones while poor Bilbo had to do all the dirty work!
Hush ’em, crush ’em, flush ’em,
Put some spam on top of ’em!
You don’t want to go trying to crush normal-sized brave people — you’re apt to get your head handed to you.
And tip of the Hatlo hat to SUW for that voyage down Firesign memory lane (not that many people who enjoyed Firesign would still be able to remember Firesign).
And when it comes to crushing giants, better to wait until they pass, and then rush out shouting slogans.
Tyrion Lannister will shiv you for that.
Start with the dwarves. Then work your way up.