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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Ready… aim… fire!
I think this guy is taking the piss out of T-shirt design.
Is this a style in your pocket?
@DrLex: I was thinking Ready… Set…. GO!
Nice to meet you, Harry Urinal
my wife saw this and has decided to have her privates shaved into the shape of stephen hawkings
If hair is growing on your style urine real trouble.
K is for knowledge, Pee is for power.
Hey man, you’re crappin my style!
For a perfect, fashionable epic fale
The new training shirt for the Olympic Japanese Watersports team.
Its better to be pissed-off than pissed on.
– Where are the contestants?
– Coming soon!
For that Brazillian look
So you saying my brain is in my ….
Hmm. The drinking fountains are a little low.
– Ready?
– Groovy!
I prefer ‘Crap your hands’ style
Shaved no. I prefer the map of Tasmania.
There is Engrish that is just the result of bad translation, or bad spelling. Then there are ones like this that cross the threshold into pure WTF territory. Can’t really think of any scenario where someone would want to wear a shirt with a picture of urinals on it.
But…oh wait, this is Japan. My bad.
I’m ’bout to drop some knowledge…and a deuce.
When you have the knowledge, urine control.
Make sure to pee away all the curly little hairs once
you’ve shaved your style.
Knowledge is power!
Golden is shower!
Knowledge ? Then you should know that you look like an idiot in that shirt !
Marum: You’re a devil!
Hair always clogs the drains.
How many pees in a pawed?
Urine the right place. A little off the top, right?
Unfortunately two out of the three are already clogged with pubic hair.
@Non-Y Mouse: of course, if everyone shaves their style in those things…
If you don’t want to shave your style, you can go into the stall and shove your stool.
Try not to cut yourself while shaving your power.
I mean style. These T-shirts are so cryptic they’re tripping me up…
private johnson! i told you not to wang it on this rescue mission! you’re cutting it too close to shave our brothers in arms!
From the designer of “diarrhoea”
Remember Brian Griffin winning a Woodie for his role in Shaving Ryan’s Privates?
It’s a promotional T-Shirt for a new movie in which Arnold plays a robotic urinal from the future. It’s called “The Urinator”, and his catch phrase will be “Hasta la vista, wee-wee.”
@tadchem. You got the reference to the GURU of the Sitar – Ravi. Shankar. then.
That’s one way for a janitor to get the point across that he doesn’t like those stray pubes on the urinal.
What a joke~It’s soooo difficult to rinse my face in these things after shaving!