Gudbye nice day!
Photo courtesy of Travis Ruetenik. Shirt spotted in Hiroshima, Japan.
So not teen then
This shirt has a hood….. and what happens in the hood stays in the hood.
Huh!!! Hullo H
Latest fashion for heroin dealers.
What a Lice Day with the Homely Spirit!
Smells like homey spirit
Those Asians, always wanting me to taste, feel, or smell something weird. But I stopped listening to them after the Foot Essence.
Shirt from hull
It’s a registered trademark, so it’ss a hullova serious business…
Yeah. One is Vanilla, the other is Vodka.
It’s a waaaayy off-Broadway production of Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing, but I think they went with an unconventional interpretation.
Ahh! Do the right thing
The penalty for doing the “wrong thing” is 1,000 lashes
“HELL! Cap’n. What would I do with a thousand lashes? I’ve only got little beady eyes.”
I an “unconventional interpretation”, the same thing as talking through your bum?
Which is a new term for what our politicians manage to do, every day of the week.
Unconventional interpretation hey?
I thought it was just alphabet soup.
Isn’t “hullo” they way they say “hello” in the original Winnie the Pooh stories?
*the way
Are those pasties or cookies on the fun pillows?just wonderin.
Oh.. n ow I get it. All punctuation pointing down.
Hullo, Baloo!
Casper the Friendly Ghost. In Casper 2: Hullo. Nice Day!
Homey’s spirit tastes like donuts. With sprinkles. Mmmm, sprinkles…
For homies, a nice day is always relative… To quote Ice Cube: “Today I didn’t even have to use my A.K. I got to say it was a good day. “
Homey don’t play dat!
Hullo is actually an accepted spelling alongside hello and hallo.
Hullo thure!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Homey Spirit.
So not teen then
This shirt has a hood….. and what happens in the hood stays in the hood.
Huh!!! Hullo H
Latest fashion for heroin dealers.
What a Lice Day with the Homely Spirit!
Smells like homey spirit
Those Asians, always wanting me to taste, feel, or smell something weird. But I stopped listening to them after the Foot Essence.
Shirt from hull
It’s a registered trademark, so it’ss a hullova serious business…
Yeah. One is Vanilla, the other is Vodka.
It’s a waaaayy off-Broadway production of Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing, but I think they went with an unconventional interpretation.
Ahh! Do the right thing
The penalty for doing the “wrong thing” is 1,000 lashes
“HELL! Cap’n. What would I do with a thousand lashes? I’ve only got little beady eyes.”
I an “unconventional interpretation”, the same thing as talking through your bum?
Which is a new term for what our politicians manage to do, every day of the week.
Unconventional interpretation hey?
I thought it was just alphabet soup.
Isn’t “hullo” they way they say “hello” in the original Winnie the Pooh stories?
*the way
Are those pasties or cookies on the fun pillows?just wonderin.
Oh.. n ow I get it. All punctuation pointing down.
Hullo, Baloo!
Casper the Friendly Ghost.
Casper 2: Hullo. Nice Day!
Homey’s spirit tastes like donuts. With sprinkles. Mmmm, sprinkles…
For homies, a nice day is always relative… To quote Ice Cube:
“Today I didn’t even have to use my A.K.
I got to say it was a good day. “
Homey don’t play dat!
Hullo is actually an accepted spelling alongside hello and hallo.
Hullo thure!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Homey Spirit.