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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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What’s her name, kink
Appears to have something about plastic
Good lick!
I can never get enough them
Don’t mind the lead-based paint.
– Barbie Gril, I lick you so much!
Toys for prostitots.
A three year old might very well.
Specially designed for Barbielingus?
Do yourself a flavour.
It’s S&M Barbie! But what’s that stool for..?
Better get one lickety split.
Oops… I Lick It Again! (by Britney Spares)
♪ ♫♫
Oops!…I lick it again
I played with your part, collected all them
Oh Barbie, Barbie
Oops!…I lost some of them
♪ ♫
Do you feel licky, punk
Warning: Licking small parts can get you jail time.
You will get dry tongue syndrome!
After licking all of them, your kids will have to see the pedophile, I mean, pediatrician.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Barbie doll?
Edible Panties Barbie
Lick what exactly?
No thanks . . . save that for yourself.
Just give me the popsicles in all the rainbow colours.
This one’s pretty good, the reguler priced ones would make you suck it.
Now with anatomical correctness!
Let’s unladylick behavior
Her name must be Toostie, as in “How many licks does it take to get to the cheap plastic center of a cheap plastic Tootsie doll? The world may never care.”
Guess what the Ken doll says.
Bite Me Barbie next.
She’s not so special, she’s just the flavor of the month.
“Round the world” Barbie coming soon.
“French” Barbie on special order.
Teach your children the facts of life, in a unique special manner. Get the hole set.
Comes with a special “Priapic Ken”.
Batteries not included.
If not, then you will be licked by our other range of toys.
Kiddies. Get your parents to buy you Long-life Batteries.
Then, they will be at it when you go to sleep, and still at it, when you wake up.
CAUTION: Use suitable lubricant, or plastic may melt with prolonged use.
All our dolls are made of prime beef!
Mmmmmm… finger-lickin’ good!
Well, if I remember the days me and my sister were three, we did put these dolls in our mouths all the time… So it makes sense.
Available in vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, and black licorice – but they all smell like tuna.
Does it come in cherry flavor?
It’s the Miley Cyrus doll! Ball and hammer not included.
I can not understand toy this.
Uh…lick the dust?