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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Glad this didn’t get into the wrong hands…
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D-Dump kids first
This is just the bomb
Also known as a bad hare day.
Well its one way of getting rid of rabbits
If there’s an invasion of rabbits with masters degrees we may need to do a lot of master baiting.
The mastermind behind the D-Day was Mr. Wabbit.
– What do you want for D-Day, sweetie?
– Umm… A bunny. And… um… like, some nuclear tactical weapons.
It’s a rare species of Overlord rabbit, found only along the coast of Normandy.
First 100 copies feature a signature by Eisenhower himself.
I never saw this in Band of Brothers. It must be historically inaccurate!
Bunny Hari – double agent.
Silly rabbit, that trick never works!
It doesn’t take a military genius to see,
We’ll all be crispy critters after World War III!
There’s nowhere you can run to, there’s nowhere you can hide,
Once they drop the big one, WE ALL GET FRIED!!!
(Come on boys and girls, sing along with me now, okay?)
Happy D-Day! Happy D-Day to you!
No dumb bunny could orchestrate the landing at Normandy!
(wait, this is from China? I figured it was from Japan.. It’s a Japanese pun- “rabbit” in Japanese is “usagi” and American soldiers are called usagis because they are USA GI’s.)
As seen in Saving Private Rabbit.
We shall fight in the cabbages,
we shall fight in the flowerbeds,
we shall never surrender.
Little-known fact: After World War I, the Allies replaced pigeons with rabbits for messenger purposes.
Notepads for IHOP restaurants.
We will fight them with our bunnies – Churchill!
Secret manual from the Hare Force.
The little-known sequel to Watership Down.
This must be what the Secretary of War uses.
Wabbit season!
Duck season!
Wabbit season!
It was the largest *and* most adorable amphibious invasion in history!
Whatever you do, don’t make fun of General Eisenhower’s notebook.
Keep Calm
Carrot On
Silly rabbit, Trixs are for kids and wars are for adults.
Hidden in plain sight, part of the Turing Project to discover geniuses among students.
Also try the Norden capgun with bombsight.
War is hell… and also really cute :3
Houston we have a problem.
Following the failure of Operation MacGregor’s Garden, a key objective of Operation Overlord was the capture of the Carrotan Peninsula.
I find it strange, that children never seem to get as much fun out of Childhood, as adults do out of adultery. (unknown quote)
You can’t Beta Carrotene.
Michael bay’s clearly running out of movie ideas
A bloke opens his fridge to find a rabbit inside.
He says to the Rabbit: “What are you doing in there?”
The Rabbit replies: ‘This is a Westinghouse isn’t it?’
B: “Yes.”
R: ‘Well. I’m westing.’
Quick, quick, the rabbits IS coming, the rabbits IS coming!
Code name: Professor Bunny
In case the Germans have a hard time reading it.
The inconspicuousness of this notebook is the sole reason why we won the second world war.
D-day is often used when talking about dating anniversaries….that’s what this calendar is for
When rabbits fought our wars…
In WW2 you know Adolf Hitler committed suicide right? But before he committed suicide he had rabbits committed suicide and he also asked the rabbits left to go to the surface and kill all the allies. Then he went in his room then had a beer with all the little rabbit generals.
The gay Navajo code talker didn’t last long.