Step one. Apply Cream of Mushroom soup in an upward motion starting at the jaw line. Be sour to cover the hole visage. Step tow: Immerse face in biling water. Step tree: Make-up is gone!
11 years ago
Washes off easilywith water and soup….now to get the soup off your face… uhm, let’s see…..
11 years ago
I was thinking more along the lines of a make-up job which might “stiften deine schmink “
11 years ago
How do I wash of the Oui-Oui?
10 years ago
I never put Communis seed oil in my Schminksteften soup.
10 years ago
I’d be more worried about using actual ricin poison in the face paints.
Is it cancerous
I always eat my make-up.
It’s Amazing What Soup Can Do! (current Campbell’s slogan).
For when you really look good enough to eat.
Remove the makeup and feed your skin at the same time.
Hopefully, these make-up sticks are nontoxic.
Hey, what’soup?
Cogito ergo soup
Stay away from the lobster bisc.
French fries. The Make-Up Sticks.
Sunburn? No, it’s borscht.
Try duck soup. You’ll get some terrific laughs while washing off your make-up.
After cleaning with soup, use makeup sticks to hide burns. Repeat.
@MICKEYGREENEYES: That one’s liable to leave Marx on your face. 😛
Parafinium liquidium, Brute?
Maybe skunks are the new guinea pigs?
Schminkstiften ?
That’s German for something else entirely !
You might want to avoid using toilet soup.
Waiter – there’s a fly in my soap!
In Spain, I saw a cafe sign for “Could Soap” and “Sadwich.”
To save some money, can I just use ramen noodles?
You only use soup if you speak Engrish.
@Chuck. To paint one’s face with trouble? Das ist die Fragge.
@timmy. Depends on where you are rammen ’em.
On second thoughts: Schminkstifte = paint crayon (literally)
Lipstick, or makeup-stick (perhaps).
get your facial and dinner at the same time! what a brilliant idea!
@jjhitt. Paraffinium solidus Surfer.
Try our soup. You couldn’t make it up
Step one. Apply Cream of Mushroom soup in an upward motion starting at the jaw line. Be sour to cover the hole visage. Step tow: Immerse face in biling water. Step tree: Make-up is gone!
Washes off easilywith water and soup….now to get the soup off your face… uhm, let’s see…..
I was thinking more along the lines of a make-up job which might “stiften deine schmink “
How do I wash of the Oui-Oui?
I never put Communis seed oil in my Schminksteften soup.
I’d be more worried about using actual ricin poison in the face paints.