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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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he said Green Curry made the frog sad
That’s what HE said!
He lied.
Vegetables like Lyon? Maybe they mean they’re served roar.
Lemongrass shrimp river water, he said. Try it, it’s friendly, he said. What could possibly go wrong?
With friends like these, who needs lemongrass?
So, what SHE said?
They offer the milk of frog sadness
When you’re dedicated enough to find orange mullets to boil, no amount of hearing the lemongrass will prove you any crazier.
With no chicken temples left to explode, houses is what it’s at.
After you eat the orange mullet, kha is the sound you make, trying to cough up the hairball.
Lemongrass love you long time!
Transparent water is a delicacy in Thailand.
Boil the coconut milk frog sadness – Freddo and Bounty both
fell from the shelf into the boiling pot of water.
Whether it was an accident or not, it is with sadness
that I report these words.
The wife / girlfriend:
Let’s vacation in Thailand, he said. They have great food there and the people are friendly, he said. We don’t need to know their language because they have everything in English too, he said. Oh, that unidentifiable thing on your dinner plate is just shrimp, he said…
Photo says more than thousand words.
The Thai Captain Planets’ green mullet helped make the clear water river and assorted transparent water. Kut! Lyon! Kha! Lemongrass! Frog sadness! With your ingredients combined! I am Captain Planet! ♫ Captain Planet, he’s our hero, Gonna take pollution down to zero, He’s our ingredients all combined, And he’s on the planet’s side, he said Captain Planet, he’s brave like Lyon, Gonna end bad guys’ world like a Mayan, If you mess with his lemongrass, You can be sure he’ll be kicking your arse! “You’ll pay extra for this meal Captain Planet!” (chanting) We’re the Engrisheers, You can be one… Read more »
Kermit the Frog is sad because he put the lemongrass in the coconut and drank them both up, and Doctor! There ain’t nothin’ he can take, I said DOCTOR, to relieve his flipper ache…
Vegetable the Friendly Lyon. I remember those cartoons from when I was a kid.
You’re supposed to take the chicken out of the chicken house before you cook it.
Vegetable cut. OH! I trhought you said —-.
I don’t know about the frog, but the milk of human kindness runs by the microlitre in my veins.
Transparent water is a luxury in Asia. It is much safer to drink beer.
“Lemongrass” he said.
And that’s when I killed him, your honor.
From the terrifying best seller The Sadness Of The Frogs.
Sadness of the frog? Kha-Kha-Ha!
At least the Orange mullet is better than Green Bullet!
I empathize with the frog. I’d be pretty sad if you boiled me in coconut milk too.
I’ll have the orgasmic fish soup thanks.
Somehow, I will never look at a simple egg in the same way again, now that I know it is a “chicken house”.
I’ve been to this restaurant! It’s called “Food Over Troubled Waters” in southern Thailand, hence the available mullets.
(Apologies to Simon and Garfunkle.)
I do so hope they’re not blind Mullet.
Now how did they get the boiling water with turmeric inside the chicken house? It will all spill away from the chicken house if the door is open. Do the waiters notify the customers about the time taken?
Ill just have the assorted water. No wait, better make that a clear river of water, I’m super hungry.
This menu was so well-worth reading. I nearly cried when I got to the part about the frog’s sadness.
is the first one an instruction for Ginger chavs?
Just give me a frog for my happiness, I said !
I’d like to hear her side of the story before I make up my mind about the lemongrass.
Is boiled chicken house anything like bird’s nest soup?
Where is Chief Inspector Mullet when you need him? Down at the Thai restaurant getting boiled, probably.
Girl 1: “He broke up with me!”
Girl 2: “Aw that’s terrible sweetie”
Girl 1: “I said, I thought you loved me!’
Girl 2: “What did he say?’
Girl 1: “Ohh cry me a Lemongrass shrimp river water, he said”
♫ Here in my kha, I feel safest of all,
I can grow my mullet and eat some fish soup in kha’s
do…do do..chhh… do do.. do do..chhh ♫
Translate, he said! It will easy he said!
“I got that milk frog – milk frog sadness,
mi-mi-milk frog milk frog sadness!”