Messin’ round the kitchen lak a busy bee,
Da busiest mammy you ever did see,
Gotta hurry up wit da shortnin bread,
Gotta get dem chillun right outta bed.
Mammy’s little baby loves shortnin’, shortnin’,
Mammy’s little baby loves shortnin’,bread,
Mammy’s little baby loves shortnin’, shortnin’,
Mammy’s little baby loves shortnin’ bread.
Frank Burns
11 years ago
That’s just fine, but who’s going to clean my butt-ler?
Droll not Troll
11 years ago
Yo Mammy is SO Dirty!
Seventy2rd o clock
11 years ago
Mammy Cleaning.
Pappy Drinking.
Nonsuch Ned
11 years ago
We can clean off the black face, but the social stigma lasts a lifetime.
Nonsuch Ned
11 years ago
Someone has to keep Uncle Tom’s Cabin sparkling clean
A Non-Y Mouse
11 years ago
Conveniently located on the corner of Tara and Jefferson Davis, across from Sambo’s.
11 years ago
If Mammy ain’t clean, ain’t NOBODY clean.
Biff the Understudy
11 years ago
Yo mammy so fat, when she walk backwards she go “beep beep beep”.
For clean and happy Mammal
Mummy cleaning is so 2012
Well if you get free titty you have to take it somewhere to be cleaned.
The best stain-remover that marsupial mammies can carry in their bag.
This is the Mississippi part of Tokyo. Ya’ll mind yerselfs, hear?
I don’t know nothing about birthin no koalas.
Japanese koalas will get your Mammy spotless!
I prefer Titty Cleaning
On your back
“You are a mammal I believe?”
“That’s rignt.”
“Well then, happy mammaling!”
— Stanislaw Lem
What else are mammies for?
Yes’m Miss Scarlet, I done got all of Tara clean.
Good grief! It’s mammery week at!
Messin’ round the kitchen lak a busy bee,
Da busiest mammy you ever did see,
Gotta hurry up wit da shortnin bread,
Gotta get dem chillun right outta bed.
Mammy’s little baby loves shortnin’, shortnin’,
Mammy’s little baby loves shortnin’,bread,
Mammy’s little baby loves shortnin’, shortnin’,
Mammy’s little baby loves shortnin’ bread.
That’s just fine, but who’s going to clean my butt-ler?
Yo Mammy is SO Dirty!
Mammy Cleaning.
Pappy Drinking.
We can clean off the black face, but the social stigma lasts a lifetime.
Someone has to keep Uncle Tom’s Cabin sparkling clean
Conveniently located on the corner of Tara and Jefferson Davis, across from Sambo’s.
If Mammy ain’t clean, ain’t NOBODY clean.
Yo mammy so fat, when she walk backwards she go “beep beep beep”.
It started small, but it just growed
How much can a Koala bear?
This Engrish brought to you by Aunt Koala’s Eucalyptus Syrup. Good on pancakes AND clears the sinuses!
Ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat.
If you leave yo mammys out in a Japanese winter, they won’t get any cleaner, for they will probably drop off into the mud.
” It ain’t fittin’… it ain’t fittin’. It jes’ ain’t fittin’… It ain’t fittin’. ”
Mammy from Gone with the Wind
@Jøshua: Needs more lube. 😛
If nothing comes out of the face, mammy is real and certified!
Hide yo mammy!!! Hide yo chilren!!
Mammy dearest.
I don’t stop cleanin’ til it quittin’ time at Tara.
…loving all the GWTW references here!