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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Looks to be missing an r
Lets hope its only the face they’re examining
The beauty lies in Vigan, Japan
My face is up here.
– And how many faces, Madam?
I might be old-fashioned, but I prefer to examine OTHER parts of girl’s bodies
A heart of gold and an ass of brass: the perfect ratio.
I’m a vagatarian on a vigan diet.
The golden ratio: how much beauty they provide is proportional to the amount of gold you pay.
Forget that, let’s play grayscale Twister!
With little effort everyone can achieve beauty.
That is, if you don’t mind thinking of a Caterpillar D-9 as a little effort.
– Mommy, why are you smiling from your armpit?
Something about this sign gives me the idea that this Vigan Laboratory is a Mickey Mouse outfit.
Facial beauty? They can’t even get the wrinkles out of this sign!
With a little effort, everyone can achieve “beauty”.
Notice how “beauty” is in quotes.
Add us on Facesbook
Gentlemen, we can rebuild her. We have the technology.
@Jellychop: So is “Vigan laboratory”, which worries me even more! 😯
What is the butter face ratio?
Beauty is in the eye and lip remover!
Shouldn’t this be Virgin Laboratory? Or maybe Vagina?
Dr. Frankenstein’s step brother is Dr. Vigan.
Much like the fabled red man with the buffalo, we use every part of a girl’s face to help make you beautiful.
@DnT: To be precise, they provide (1+5^0.5)/2 times the amount of beauty as the amount of gold you provide. [For you math geeks who recognize the golden ratio.]
@Ben:I appreciate the clarification as I’m not a math geek. 😉
Like a Vigan
Touched for the very first Laboratory
Vigans will be happy to know that none of our products are tested on animals. We test them on vigans, instead.
I must get new glasses. I thought it said v—–…..Oh. Never mind.
Ever get the idea that Japan is run by cats? “We carefully exam every part of girls faces”.
Dear honourable Vigan Laboratories,
I wish to express my displeasure at my esteemedt facelift.
I feel you may have pulled everything up a tad too tight. I now have a dimple on my chin, which turned out to what was once my belly-button. You should see the crazy necktie I now have. The only advantage I can see in this new arrangement, is that I can indulge in both cunningulus and sexual intercourse simultaneously. Your process may be beneficial for females, but useless for men. You will be hearing from my lawyer.
I remain. your unhappy customering.
Golden ratio? The face 1.618 times as high as it is wide? Beautiful?!?!
Beauty” is only skin deep, just ask a plastic surgeon.
Vigan laboratory by Wiccans who cant spell s-p-e-l-l.
Sweet jesus, for a second there, I thought it said “We carefully explore every part of a girl’s feces…”