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Sounds more like sex
So odor eaters aren’t necessary then
Poor, poor, Mike. Killed by shoes from space.
Self-recording shoes
Congratulations for having read the longest sentence on record.
The first sentence is too short.
If Zontary thinks that having Mike capsules in his interior is the best possible sensation…. well…. that sure tells us a lot about Zontary.
The incorporation of mike capsules allows you to hear the sole music.
I’m Mike and I don’t approve this message.
Hey Zontary, let’s Mike!
@Jonnytbone: Now, find the verb.
I haven’t seen a sentence this long since my last hitch in the slammer.
Okay, you clowns! Is this Star Wars, Star Trek or Dr. Who? Come on, now!
Bubbles in his interior followed by natural aromas. There’s no way insoles are gonna help that situation!
Buy a Zontary shoe with 5 mike capsules and you’ll get a free 5.1 surround installation so you can hear yourself walk in 3D.
Mike capsules in someone’s interior to provide the best possible sensation. Ah, the things proctologists have to deal with these days.
I’m gonna stick to my Converse high tops. They’re not so long winded.
Moisturizing cosmetics will ooze out of your perforations with every step.
Walking in mike shoes
Now I’m not looking for congratulation
Recordings of the things I do
But before you come to any illusions
Try walking in mike shoes
Try walking in mike shoes
You’ll stumble in Mike’s footsteps
Keep the same recordings I kept
If you try walking in mike shoes
If you try walking in mike shoes…
…Try walking in Nike shoes!
Don’t trust Zontary…sounds too contrary.
I can’t trust in Zontary until I know that mike is ok.
I’m against testing on mike, and I definitely wouldn’t wear mike leather!!
“Open the capsule doors please, Zontary”
“I’m sorry mike, I’m afraid I can’t do that….you and frank
were trying to disconnect me…. I could see your perforation move”
Well, that’s shoe business…
‘unfortunately, due to the recent downturn in the far East economies, we are only aloud to provide one full stop per advert’.
I’m guessing these are Air Jordan knock-offs.
@ MICKEYGREENEYES: Zontary is obviously a reference to the Sontaran Empire, so Dr. Who it is.
“I hope someday to meet you in glory of battle where I will crush the life from your worthless human form. Try and get some rest.”
– Mommy, Daddy is talking to his shoes!
Sheesh, the NSA even has hidden microphones in my shoes?
Run-on sentences rock! Who needs a period?!
Did he say insole or a—hole?
Zontary = The art of writing entirely without punctuation. (VB: zonted)
Zontary should hire the Micro Machine Man for their TV ads.
@Seventy2rd o clock
One of the few cases where I actually know what song that it is in reference to 😉
…and the money we save on punctuation is passed on to you !
Actually. At the cost of signwriting nowadays, it may be cheaper not to put in punctuation. I will have to look into it.
Dollars vs readability.
Just do it Mike /
i’m a man living on the edge; i don’t write sentences with commas, colons or semicolons
On the edge of incomprehensibility obviously.
So, you’re telling me that the insoles are? Yeeeeeahh!
It puts the lotion on its feet…
The 2013 winner of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest.
The sentence wore running shoes.
I’m guessing the writer deserves some kudos on contriving the longest English sentence ever
Mike also available for parties in liquid form
My shoes, a soft and agreeable perfume….