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One Hung Low lives here
Or the keys on the string
We’ve been having a lot of accidents in there.
You need the key, but the door has no lock.
The key is for the trapdoor in the floor.
You must have been thinking of the other kind of hung.
Using what? What’s hung? No wonder there is a safety warning.
Hangings occur daily here…
Extra-low urinals installed for the convenience of our stricly hung patrons.
Does this urinal seem low to you?
Of course you won’t be smoking! Smoking stunts your ….. growth.
Excuse me, I have to go use the customer.
No cuckolds need apply.
Do jurors who can’t make up their minds qualify?
To be hung or to be Hung?
It’s funny, but considering Hung is probably the name of the restaurant the misspelling of “strictly” is the only thing possibly qualifying it as engrish.
The low hanging nuts taste good!
I got the key, but I am scared to use anything.
This is where they keep the bodies of customers who don’t pay. It’s a hanging offence and they’re very stric about that.
The original key party.
Even the glory holes have locked doors.
They are really hung go…. I mean gung ho about this…
Panic Panic on the streets of Sydney Panic on the streets of Dongguan I wonder to myself Could I ever be Hung again? The Hong Kong streets that you slip down I wonder to myself Hopes may rise on the Shenzen But Ho-Nee Pee, you’re not safe here So you run down To the toilet of the town Burn down the restroom Hung, the blessed DJ Because the customers that constantly die SAY NOTHING TO ME ABOUT MY LIFE Hung, the blessed DJ Because the customers that constantly die Hung, the DJ Hung, the DJ Hung, the DJ Hung, the… Read more »
– Mommy… I see Hung people!
Security theatre at its best.
Gee, the lengths we have to go to, just to get into the men’s room.
Hanging non-customers is prohibited.
There must be something to get hung about
vince offer opening a new chinese restaurant?
@Coffeebot. No. But the bottoms of them are very cold.
The key is kept on a lanyard with a meter stick.
Erection in progress?
They aren’t kidding… the man of the restroom sign has one “leg” suspiciously longer than the other…
You can never be too careful when dealing with stricly hung customers.
Man, I gotta use the women’s AGAIN?
@Lollerskate: That’s why he’s called STICKman.
Such a STICKman that one can’t know if it’s either well hung to badly dragged.