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Don’t just sit there picking your nose, do something with your life.
They bite
They’re sharp
What, pick the flowers? Get a life!
Mama don’t allow no banjo playing around here…….
Or: ”Don’t poo in front of the plant, it doesn’t like you”
The good news is that you have more than one life. The bad news is that you don’t get to pick them.
“Please also have lives” – death penalty for stealing plants. And you’ll be recycled.
No picking. You will be content with the plant we give you.
Get a life!
But don’t be picky.
Also please not walking plants
Yeah, no picking! Blow your nose, for gosh sakes!
Scruggs and Flatt need not apply.
No pot picking here.
They live, we sleep…
You can pick your own life!
Get YOUR OWN life! Please! Stop wanting to be like me! Gosh…
They don’t seem to be big fans of Super Mario USA in China…
What if I don’t want a life?
The plants choose you.
Please have a life… you’re no good to them dead.
up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, select, start
Chinese says: “Flowers/plants have lives; please do not pick [them].” So it looks like they just confused “plants” with “please.”
Flutterbies are flee.
Have a life free life. Live vicariously in someone slse’s.
Do not hold on to Triffid while defecating. It will take offence.
When you can lift this plant glasshoppel You are leady to reeve the academy.
I know fleas also have lives. But can’t I at least scratch.
The kanji in the sign says, of course, that “Plants” have lives…
@DnT. I went to a plastic surgeon’s office the other day, and spent all day picking my nose and bum.
Violators will lose one of their extra lives…
Schizophrenics may lose several of their lives.
Get a life, ya bully!
Do not touch plant while defecating. Thank you.
I think they meant trolling instead of picking.
Get your own life!
welcome to real life maplestory, may i please offer you a mushroom
Only neckbeards pick up pot plants.
Move out of your parents’ basement!