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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Fragrant tea
Comes with boiling water toilet
Smells like tea spirit.
I stink, therefore I smell.
It was’t me, kick the dog!
Smell and must know at fish
It’s tea time down at the ol’ factory.
Next stop: Poo Bar
Oooo… Long!
The smells round here have a unique bucket
Wake up and smell the tea!
I thought that cube was photoshopped in until I realized that was a post below it holding it up, not another stripe on the pavement.
Just one of the many air freshener scent options here at Tokyo Central Car Wash!
“Sir! Your dog has no nose, how does he smell?” (response) “Awful!”
Smells better than pee room.
This is the grand re-opening after changing the name from “Tearoom Stench”.
Next door: Sushi Bar Fetid.
Operates by Morimoto Smelly, the famous tea drinker
Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
You’re also welcome to visit our Drink, Sit, Fetch and Roll Over rooms.
There once was an Indian Chief who drank 200 cups of tea a day.
He died in his own Teepee.
@Algernon. Did you say flagrant tea?
Pestilential Seasonings
Nothing so improves black tea as a good nip of rum.
A near-sighted man from Japan,
Drank all his tea from a can,
He added some Whisky,
To make him feel frisky,
And had sex with a turtle named Dan.
I’ll have the Japanese Tea Seminary please.
HonourableTea Room like Tardis – smell outside, big inside.
…from the tea stains.
Smellest… I mean, smallest tea room ever.
Attention teabaggers…
The tea’s answer to Sumatera’s premium “Kopi Luwak”, the coffee nicknamed “poop-a-cino” by Dave Barry.. and made famous by “Jck Nicholson and Morgan Freeman in “The Bucket List” …the cofee beans are eaten and then secreted by civet cats then processed/ roasted.
This must be the place where you can buy that fragrant panda dropping schedule book.
The tea is made from very high-biscus leaves.
I love the smell of tea room in the morning.
Hope it’s not defecation tea…
The back room of “Beer Room Poot”
No. Its titea.
I smell tea weed.