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A shoe in
The Feast of Untied Shoes.
In-out. Notify about.
If we’re open, we’re closed.
The shop that brought the Shoes out of Egypt.
Guaranteed no yeast infections from these shoes.
CAUTION: Don’t avoid!
I’m Moses Malone and I approved this message.
Only the right shoe, but take your pick! rearry cheap.
and I thought the Israelites wore sandals when they crossed the deserts.
A shoe shop for people with no left leg
Our shoes are guaranteed to last through 40 years of hiking in the desert.
100% Kosher materials.
I shouldn’t have been surprised I didn’t that promotion to assistant manager.
“I have nothing against your right leg. Unfortunately, neither do you.”
Peter Cook to Dudley Moore.
“Hey, what’s that thing painted on the wall outside of the store?”
“A shoe.”
“A shoe! A shoe!”
“Bless you.”
” -_-“
I shouldn’t have been surprised I didn’t get that promotion to assistant manager.
How is this shop different from all other shops?
Don’t shop here. Just strap a pair of matzohs onto your feet!
and the Lord said to Moses through the burning bush,
“Take down your sneakers for the ground you are standing on is holy”.
I’ll be schlepping out in these tomorrow.
There is no such thing as onelegged joggers. They’re called hoppers.
We are Jewish. To illustrate two joggers, we would have to have rented a bigger sho. That would have cost more rent.
Did I mention we are Jewish?
sho = shop.
@Ben. Does that mean I can eat my boots if I get desperate?
‘Lord. We are a poor people. How much?’
‘Ahh Lord! I take nine!’
I can’t get over it.
Forget the mezuzah on the door, just leave two large cartons on the sidewalk. God will just hop over…
@Marum: Sure, if you want; but the manna and quail are a lot tastier.
Clise be with you!
this is what a basketball shoe company run by Amare Stoudamire would look like
Big foot was here!
Funny, you don’t rook Jewish.
Don’t you mean “Shoe-ish?”