Where’s my dinner, birtch?!
We swirtched to more gender-appropriate toys
Photo courtesy of Laurin Swango.
Found in Dallas (imported from China).
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She’ll end up with a bark ache
The monster under the bed.
The people under the stairs.
The thing of the kitchen.
Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!
Make me a sandwirch.
Go Barbie Grill, fry the damn Thing!
It’s a female kirchen thing, goes with female nursing thing.
– And what will you cook today, honey?
– No thing!
The German way of fighting church disaffection (kirchen = churches)
If they were looking for a stand-out product name, how about Kidchen?
The thing of the kitchen is usually kept in The Third Drawer Down.
The thing of the kirchen brought to you by the Aadams Farmily.
Mädchen thing belongs to the kirchen thing
It comes with a cleaning kit.
Feel assured that they will someday cook delicious meals for you…
I feel assured it’s made by ”Toys-R-Ass(u-red)”
@ jjhitt: Ice Sand Wirch?
Good for making pretend dumblings.
This toy comes with sound; it plays Shake, Rattle and Roll.
“Get out in that kitchen, rattle those pots and pans.”
It may be gender biased, but it’s not as bad as their Heck’s Kirchen, complete with an inflatable Cherf Ramsay.
– Mommy! I want Hello Kitschy!
– Why is the girl thing in the kirchen thing holding the pirchfork thing?
– To feel assured!
@SF und 72rd.
Das Kirchendinge ist staendiges Rumgebumsen mit die Klosterschwester.:)
Q. Why did the woman cross the road?
A. What the hell was she doing out of the kitchen?
Now where’s that piece of birch?
Oh! Yes thing. Yes thing. YES! YES! YES! (Morticia Adams)
Brainwash your children, with gender stereotyping toys from Mattel.
Play happily and satisfy yourself before leaving the kirchen counter
EDIT: Klosterschwesterin.
The Thing of the Kitchen is not watching where it is putting its hands
No Thing is scarier than Hell’o’Kitty
She’s not barefoot; too young to be pregnant.
So far she’s running one out of three.
wife-beater, divorce paper and restraining order not included
“Aww is that your daughter?”
“No she’s just the thing of the kirchen, we don’t
know if she came with a name or not so we call her that”
Not strictly accurate as she is not barefoot. That only happens when you buy the $20 trailer park kit that includes the case of beer and the dog.
Thank you, Thing.
In German, “Kirchen” is the plural of “Kirche”, which means “Church”…
Ermahgerd! Cookin’ chirckens in the kirchen!
She’s not human! She’s the thing of the kirchen!
erhmagherd, kirchen