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Pool use and off your face. works for me!
I find it difficult to comply with rules 3 and 4 at the same time.
NOTE: Please fill the empty fields with ……………… .
You should smoke dope or drinking booze before enterining the pool
Children under 13 years must be accompanied by a parent or a pirate.
– Honey, do you want some Coke before swimmining?
I accidentally ………… in the pool.
I hope the shower will teach me what enterining means.
12. Please do not steal letters from this sign.
Damn! Just when I wanted to go swimming.
No pirates allowed without arrrrr guardian.
And I didn’t notice the device.
So, SUI – swimming under influence – is not a crime here!
Drink! Don’t Dive
Puking is allowed if you are drunk
………………… : Don’t f*** !
If you remove the notes on the empty fields, you will ………………………… .
If we are under the influence and nobody knows, do we still have to swim?
What is a law-abiding incontinent drunk supposed to do?
Do not urinate in the pool. Also, do not swim in the toilet.
The water in this pool has been passed by the management.
Do not urinate in the pool; you’ll get the drunks wet.
Our swimmining pool rulez! (pt2)
12. Using drugs under the influence of swimming has you decline
13. You are aloud to relieve the bowels so it is prohibited to pee
14. Swim and must know you kids closely
15. Showing your naked body from everybody has you decline
16. Please only drive here or you will be fine – the water is not deep enough
17. Fix your children the child’s beard
18. Smorking has you decline
19. And please… don’t swim!
All …………… are writtening, ………….. and ………….. by an ………….. and/or …………. .
Drunks allowed in the pool from ……………………..am to ……………………pm.
Should animals or pets under the influence of alcohol or drugs enter the pool? Im thinking of getting Skippy drunk and making him do the dog paddle. Get it? A dog doing the dog paddle? Oh, well, I guess you had to be there.
Christina Milian was here…
NOTE: You’re welcome to *insert your favorite obscenity* again
1. The Pool is for Parties and we Mean it!
2. Raving and Drugs encouraged.
3. Maximum Occupants: { ∞ }
4. Please, no STDs.
5. A First Aid Kit is located ██████
Tipex is a useful material
No persons with communication disease are allowed to write signs.
Entertain the pool by drunkenly drowning in it.
I suffer from dyslexia, so I sccidentally entered the pool attendant.
It’s not called the Drunk Tank for nothing
It qouldn’t matter if we knew where the First Aid Kit is. Because no one here is qualified to use it. The last person we treated, was bitten on the shoulder by a snake. We put the torniquet between the bite, and his heart, as it it said in the highly esteemed First Aid Manual. ie. Around his neck. Despite our highly excellent work, the patient died. They said iit was due to asphyxiation, which was news to us. We did not know that snakes carried asphyxia germs in their venom.
There once was a man called Bart,
Who in the pool gave an almighty fart,
The water gushed out,
Like a giant water spout,
And it blew all the concrete apart.
Sorry, not Engrish. It’s just a sign whose letters faded off or are missing.
Ooops, I didn’t take a shower before enterurinating in the pool.
– Look, Mommy! A swimming poo!
Person: Uh, lifeguard? Why is nobody here?
Lifeguard: Everyone drowned. Look underwater.
What do you mean I have to get out of the pool? It’s only ///////// PM!
Is this some kind of reverse psychology?