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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Suddenly Laugh
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harimal soy macchiato anyone
don’t know that I’d trust the machine
The place where you get a Cafe Brandy when ordering a Cafe Grande…
You can tell when a company is out of bucks.
Huck off
Order your favourite heverage.
I wonder who’s the hoss of this place.
Mark Twain’s favorite hangout.
How many balistas work here?
How many hucks for a regular sized?
Did you know the Bible talks about Starbucks? Somewhere in the book of Hebrews.
I never go there. Nothing but a bunch of starhuckers.
– Waiter! There’s a hug in my coffee.
The hucked-up sign man strikes again!
The funny part is that the correct spelling is right there on the logo.
If only they were starchucks and they threw coffee at you.
The hest coffee in town.
Hyuck hyuck hyuck, they spelled our laugh wrong!
-Cleetus Delroy Spuckler ( the slack-jawed yokel)
Sorry, the machine was out of bucks.
I’ll have a short hlack and a hagel, thanks.
And maybe a slice of strawherry sbortcake too.
Let our skilled ballistics huck you about.
@Seventy2rd o clock: I hope it’s not “Hoss” Bogg
from The Dukes of Bazzard.
We know how he loves his coffee… and raw liver… *shudders*
Excuse me harista, my slice is as hard as a pockey huck!
Barstrucks Coffee.
From the land of the Bar Strangled Spanner.
Engrish 101: How to spell collectry.
We promise you,100% authentic Starhucks Coffur!
Starbucks Clone Boss: Letter B is not working.
Bootlegger: GO AHEAD!
Too bad this is in China and not Japan–in Japanese, the ‘hu’ sound is generally written as ‘fu’, which would make the sign that much more hilarious…
I wonder where did several of my thumb-ups from my ‘hug’ comment go…?
@Marum: IIRC, the Chinese word for black is “huk”.
So would the people who work there be called Starhucksters?