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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Mmmm… I like it fresh and worm!
Don’t tell me–they’re trying to make people eat the contents of the cat litter tray!
The end to a nice day. Yum Yum!
Don’t want to know what they serve in Dunghuan.
All nice and steaming
This is Feng Shui taken to the extreme.
That’s Okay. I’ll just hold my nose and slip in my stainless steel dentures.
Just so it’s braised! Don’t try to give me any of your un-braised crap, buddy!
Must be the garbage salvaged from building the Three Gorges Dam.
10% discount if served on toilet paper
I think they paid the translater in food.
On the rocks, just the way I like it.
@ Seventy2rd o clock: If you want it with worms, that costs extra.
Served with a tall glass of piss on the rocks.
Their version of Army food, chipped beef on toast. aka sheet on a shingle.
Why do I always have to take crap from their Engrish?
Our crap earns the highest braise…
Or you could order boiled excrement served on Bam-Bam.
At last! Truth in advertising.
Do they mean “small rocks” pebbles, or Fruity Pebbles breakfast cereal? The picture looks like the latter, really.
Poor Pebbles. I blame Anne Margrock.
This is taking the concept of a doggy cafe too far. Fido may eat crap on the street but I’m really trying to break him of the habit.
This is just disgusting. The rest is fine, but I get sick at the though of eating….pebbles.
Do those pepples come fruitty?
Eating pebbles . . . that’s how they got strong !
“Where’s the restroom, please?”
“Right there, beside the kitchen, sir.”
♫ Beer Drinkers and Crap Braisers.. ♫
Why would I go to China for that? I could get that in any alley way on a hot day. For free too!
Bam-Bam’s fantasy.
At least they are keeping down the costs of their inputs.
Is this a fly restaurant?
I prefer it on a stick.
And here, I thought they were actually cocoa pebbles….
This dish rocks!
Ewwwww…it’s BRAISED? That’s disgusting!!!