Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish.com - Very Enough
Change we can believe in
posted on 22 Feb 2012 in Engrish from Other Countries
If they truly had faith, they wouldn’t have padlocked the box…
Photo courtesy of NC.
Found in Agra, India.
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I’ll bight, whats in the box,
I don’t have any change but I love Jesus.
I didn’t know Rick Santorum’s speech writers were Indian
Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in Engrish.
And they were all amazed and wondered, saying one to another, Behold, what the hell are they meaning? Is the Holy Spirit using Google translation?
— Acts of the Apostles —
The still small voice that says: LET ME OUT OF THIS BOX!
My own personal Jesus for only two cents!
The problem with the Type 30 TARDIS was that the door only locked from the outside.
I’m sorry, but my Don’t Worry Jesus is broke.
♫ Jesus just left Agra and he’s bound for New Delhi.. ♫
Don’t worry Jesus for Change.
Ask Zeus instead, he’s the go to guy for change.
Dear friend,
Jesus love you long time.
Cash Only!
Don’t worry Jesus for change.
Best Wishes,
Jesus Wang, Male Escort
“You or Love Me!” — is this another one of those abstinence programs?
“Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they wrote.”
Could Jesus make a box so tightly locked even he couldn’t escape from it?
Okay, I’ll go bother Buddha for some spare rupees, dude.
Love you or love me? Hmmm. Depends on how many margaritas I’ve had.
Don’t ever change, Jesus.
Don’t worry, I’m sure it would take Jesus to understand all this Indiaglish (!!)
Hey, ‘Don’t Worry Jesus’!
Can you hear me in there?
This is ‘Jesus For Love’ and I’m with ‘Love Me’
Will you come out if we give you a nickel?
Could Jesus please change this text?
Turn and face the strange! ♫
Jesus for love, is you?? I didn’t know I was Jesus.
@Algernon. What’s in the box. Elemeentary my dear sir….CHANGE.
More confusing than the language of the bible.
Hah! Krishna gives you crisp, new, 100 Rupee notes..
But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, the went to the box, taking the spices which they had prepared. And they found the padlock removed from the box. Jesus had taken the change and ascended to another world. Happy Easter.
OH JESUS! I haven’t got any &#@*& Parking Meter change!
Don’t worry Jesus I can change! For loves you! You or loves me?
Dogs found worrying Jesus will be shot by the sheep
Love can be double standard.
… Ruke 3:16
Since George Harrison converted to Hinduism, does all of India (including Christians) love The Beatles now? Sounds like they have been playing Beatles records backwards for inspiration…
so what am I supposed to put in the box?
Don’t worry Jesus for change. If you’re going to bother him, ask for at least a five.
“What, Jesus worry?”
For so world so God loved …