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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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The Soylent Corporation would soon find out that re-branding their flagship product “Pot of Meat” to “Soylent Green” boosted sales enormously.
…. only to find that someone replaced the contents with stir-fried vegs.
As long as she doesn’t pea in it. Very unhygienic.
Time to eat grandma or time to eat,grandma?
Another innovative & tasty response to the one child policy
You are what you eat.
Adopt instead of renting.
Mother — The Original Potted Meat Food Product.
She was a pig and tastes like one too.
Zuzybalooba. It is all in the punctuation. ie. Time to eat, grandma. or Time, to eat grandma. (Who said, in modern English, punctuation was unnecessary?).
Nothing I like better in the morning, than the smell of grandmas cooking.
“Ma, get back in your pot! You’re not done yet.”
Tomorrow – time to adopt a new mother.
Looks like she’s slobbering nicely.
Instant family!
I’m sorry we need more time to serve you what you have ordered, because the old adopted mother returned to the pot of meat…. only to find it burnt!
Cannibal family ?
It’s the circle of life. One day we will all return to a pot of meat.
You got to give the Chinese credit for their overly descriptive menu items. Heck, we rarely have food items of more than two words. Take “Hot Dog” for example, if it had been invented in China the name would have been “The Legless Pig Relaxes Between the Rows of Golden Grain”
About the only time you can ever get away with saying “Your Momma looks good enough to eat.”
They are finally meating again.
Over twenty replies and not one Silence Of The Lambs reference.
What’s wrong with this place?
Mom… finish your plate. There are adopted mothers in China who don’t have enough food to eat.
Two cannibals are eating a clown…one says to the other, “Does this taste funny to you?”
Yeah, I knew the old bag would do a Wicked Witch of the West some day.
Good old adopted mom. She’s not just for breakfast any more.
Ashes to ashes. Meat to meat.
autobots, transform and roll out…
Instead of adopting a mother, you could try for your own.
She was only adopted – no big meal..er….deal
She tried a pot of fish but didn’t like it.
At least she was old…
Best served with Henpecked Husband Reduced to Bowl of Jelly
She must have been a MILD: Mom I’d Like to Devour.
Ashes to ashes, pot of meat to pot of meat.
We recommend the Sumyung Gai