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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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“What are all these loose teeth doing around this platform?”
posted on 7 Sep 2011 in Chinglish
So long as you show no mercy inside the octagon.
Photo courtesy of Michael Cote.
Found in Chengdu, China.
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Could this be a variation on men between urine.
Just be careful of the fairies,, thank you.
“No, I’m sorry. This is the pixie loading dock. The fairy platform is about a half mile further down, on your left.”
I have never before heard a scenic spot beg for mercy.
Once the fairies move into your magical forest, it’s “there goes the neighborhood”.
The merciless fairies are the true cause of sanitation problems.
This is actually one of the well-translated signs. The text is mostly exactly what it means to convey.
Place your merciless butts here
When it came to scenic sanitation, Timmy showed no mercy….
Non, merci.
Sisters of Mercy would be welcome here.
Can Polly the Fairy be found at the Octagon?
Nope, Polygon.
For a great view on sanitation, I can recommend the Fairy Platform.
Becarefull, it’s quite a risk to run on the Fairy Platform
I’m paying attention to sanitation, boss. Got my eye on the septic tank right over here.
I just saw Chuck Norris.
The Octagonal is not really there.
It’s a ‘parition !
Sorry sir, I am going to need to ask you to get off the platform. You have a wife…..
We tried to keep the fairies on aa platform, but it was to limp to support them.
Step closer gentlemen. Your attentiopn to the Urine stream wil aid sanitation.
May the Fairies show mercy on whoever made this and similar signs (!!)
Signs found in a BSDM show…
i tried going on the fairy platform. but all i saw was this tiny firefly-ish guy constantly yelling HEY! LISTEN! HEY LISTEN! HEY LISTEN!
YDD: Except for the irrefutable fact that not a single translation is 100% correct…but then, if they were….no more Engrish.com!
Can’t argue with you there. 仙女, for one, is a Taoist concept which pretty tough to translate concisely.
Do I need wings to get to the Fairy Platform? I see the arrow points up to the sky…. and I forgot my can of Red Bull *smh*
Forget about sanitation, I will pay my attention to the fairy platform, maybe I get to see Harry Potter on his way to magic school.
Thats nothing I saw Jack Black at the Octagon partition.
I hear the best views of the Octagonal Parition are from the fairy platform.