Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Always wanted to visit Ehgland…
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
Pah! Who’d buy that? Everyone knows Ehglish is a dead language!
Also available in Living Greman, Franch, Spinich and Itlain
That book cover is full of typos. It should read: “Livihg Ehglish Lahguage Foreigh.”
Oh, that must be Canada’s nickname for their english, eh?
Lesson Number One: Let’s start with the cover…
And all this time we called it Engrish… Now we now both how it’s really called, and why it’s so popular!
Ehglish, eh? Eh bet I knoo what country THAT came from, eh?
*cough* CANADA *cough*
It’s a living language.
Living things mutate.
♫Whatever have they done to the old mother tongue?
They have wrangled atrangled mangled and abused it♫
The Ehgs are a birdlike people who live high in the mountains. They have their own language.
Today’s disenfranchised youth have developed their own language, based largely on internet memes. When our reporter asked one young man about it, he replied “Eh…”
The incredible legible Ehgs.
Ehglish, the language of farmers whose chickens produce Ehgland’s Best ehgs!
Ehglish is definitely a foreign language, even for us Engrish speakers!
must have watched to much family guy…
In case you’d prefer to visit Canada…
Oh, please, man! It’s so clear! It’s a compilation of tests “correct the wrong spelling”!
ah so
UMMM… Canadian English I suppose eh?
Finally, the long lost Ehglish is alive again. I love it.
Who cares about Ehnglish? It’s dead already, I wanna learn Kroaen, Japnaese, Chienes, and Spinach!
User review: “Goose ehg.”
Is Ehglish derived from the old Gherman and Shaxon languages?
Rule, Britahhia!
Ohhhh…so THAT’S what Canadians call the English language…
new foreign language..ehgnlish
LOL Canadians. What will they think of next?
I am the ehg-man.
Kinda defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?! My head hurts…
I want to go to Ehgland to see Fig Ben, apparently thr Ehglish love breakfast
The book proves it we’re the ones who don’t know English, I mean Ehglish.
I think Ehgland is somewhere in Canada, no?
Only the best translators are teaching you how to live in the Ehglish language!