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What a waste of money, I haven’t cut one all day…
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Suddenly it felt creepy. As if Chuckie is around.
I don’t know what is more freaky…cutting the dolls or the dolls themselves
The biggest surprise would be having a good time at Baby City.
Insert coin to activate doll blender. Much more satisfying than the regular machines with the frustrating underpowered grasping arm!
The Evil Bunny City machine dispenses doughnuts.
I think they’re all pretty armless
The new “Work for the dole scheme” – cut the dolls, or else, the government will cut your dole!
This is how cereal killers get their start.
Dibs on the ones with the maniacal grins! I got my machete sharpened and ready to go.
If you don’t cut the dolls they will eat your soul!
Okay folks Totoro is not evil
@Kitsune: Like the ‘Cornflake Massacre’ of 1976?
@faulty wiring
Or the Chocula killings of ’03
Oh, Mai and Satsuke are gonna be pissed…
Now i know why they are all smiling nervously
Amazingly, it looks like the grinning bunnies are being taken more than the sheep.
Cereal killers? Yeah. I hate those noisy cornflakes too. Especially after a bottle or two of red the night before.
lol at the comments . Those are not bunnies. 😛
Comeesss with mee kiddesss’s. Learn to amputate the limbs of your playmates. Hack heeheee hack hoho saw chop hahahaha dismember hooohoooohaaa.
What a lovelees times we aree havingss’s.
Let’s go to the Psych Ward. There are a lot of crazy nutjob in here. These are so disturbed dolls, Hurry up! Let’s administer Thorazine!!
Revenge on Chucky?
One of the Totoro dolls looks like he’s been strangled instead of cut.
Hey it’s the all new Saw Movie playset! “Let’s play a game.”
” i want to eat the baby!” fat b*stard come to mind
Dexter’s Playpen
Let’s go to the Baby City (Baby City, huh? Oookaaay…).
There are a lot of big surprise in here (Yeah, ya think? It’s kind of a big surprise that they aren’t BABIES in baby city).
These are so cute dolls (not really, dude! They’re actually a bit creepy)
Hurry up!! Let’s cut dolls!! (Hurry up, I’m OUTTA here!!!)
Wot no catbus
You know the first time i saw My Neighbor Totoro I thought it was rather wierd.
But Miyazaki-sama’s newer stuff is even odder. So if this creeps you out watch some of his newer stuff. (best if you have been taking mind altering substances)
This is Japanese, not Chinese. (Chinglish tag is wrong)
Ahhh, I see. I guess it was found in Taiwan. Anyways, the text behind the toys is Japanese.
Well I guess it stops you cutting the “so cute” babies in “baby city”.
Got free childs? Just cut baby (oops, doll) in free peaces.
Exterminate! Exterminate!
Hey, are those sheep? You can’t cut up sheep. We loooovvvve our sheep in NZ, yeah, we love sheep long time (well, some of us apparently).
Perhaps they meant to say ‘let’s cute dolls’… Then it would make even less sense.
I want a Totoro doll!
Take me down to the Baby City.