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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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The British poop athletic team is 2nd to none…
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Soon to be an Olympic discipline.
I’m the 23st pooping champion.
Athletes’ running diarrhea safety bag……
Do not open the bag. Believe me, you do not want to look inside.
Q: How do you do in this year’s athletics?
A: I’m the 23th again. That STINKS!
That’s gotta be a first – a designer colostomy bag.
The colour of the bag matches that of what’s inside.
The team runs on methane
This is a really nice bag… for me to poop on!!!
– Triumph the insult comic dog
It’s not easy being Number Two
Just in time for the New Delhi Games!
“Champs between poop” vs. “Men between urine”
The final showdown!!!
Working in the City? Traveller on long haul flights? Just can’t be bothered looking for a public convenience? The Champ POOP Bag is for YOU! Slim but spacious design. Highly absorbant and entirely leak proof. Discreetly labeled with the word POOP in 3 inch print. Now in three designer colours: Conventional Poop Brown, Savvy Scour Yellow and New Delhi Dysentry Green with flecks of Red. First 50 sold come with our patented ‘poop – o -meter’ so you can accurately keep track of your movements. Give a Crap and Be a Champ…with Champ Poop Bag!
London 2012, here I come. I am full of it, err, I mean confidence.
@faulty wiring: “Give a Crap and Be a Champ!”
ROFL that I almost s@#$ my pants. Quickly, hand me over the Champ Poop Bag!
Yes. It’s mine. It smells like roses and I’m proud of it.
Also available,
For the office: Really Important Cr@p bag
For Sunday: Holy Sh!t tote.
The airline said that I could only bring 3 ounces of shampoo on board. But I’ll get even, just wait till they search this bag ! I’ve got a full 16 ounces !
Is that an imperative? Because I really don’t want to champ it.
Sounds like you need the Deluxe Model with extra storage space and special strap on attachment!
They’re planning to dump a lot of these bags on the market.
Because real champs don’t waste their time trying to find a bathroom….
be one of the first 23 to order this poop-ular bag and get a set free pins!! order yours today!
In Soviet Russia she would be a Party Pooper.
Humph! I wouldn’t crap on this bag.
If the contents of the bag go missing, just question the guy in the BG who seems to be taking it right now.
Or is it Po-Op ?
Because to be on THAT team. must learn to Po-Operate.
“We’re number 2! We’re number 2!”
Also available: Champ Poop souvenir foam finger – watch what happens when you pull it.
Why take a poop when you can bring one?
I don’t know what’s in it either. I only know my dad wanted me to have it.
He poop so good he make numbah 2 seem like numbah 3.
Favourite Brand of King Shiznat.
Poor Michael Jordan, He can never cut it….uhmm I meant a break, not the cheese…
We’re Number 2. We try harder.
Taking “runs” to a whole new level!
Re; the main caption: Don’t you mean ‘2rd to none’?