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It will make your skin looking healthy and tanned. SPF31? I guess it is extra strength, so, really tanned!
Your skin will get used to it… maybe….. eventually…….
Also available in Fire, Bleach, Poison Ivy and Scabies.
This is why one should never buy a brand knockoff. You just never know what their secret ingredient is. It could be stuffed full of ultraviolet rays…
And now try our new SPF 60 with gamma rays!
the new sunscreen for ants
With SPF 31 say goodbye to the obsolete SPF 30
CAUTION: Use UV blocking sunglasses when applying.
Too bad they used most of their budget in the R&D to improve from SPF30 to SPF31. Now they have no money left to use brand new tubes, so they used some old beaten-up ones instead.
What doesn’t kill you makes you… tanner!
I guess the 31 means that saying out 5 minutes would be equivalent to staying out 2 hours and 35 minutes…
The burning sensation tells you it is working, but is only temporary, followed by hours of entertaining skin peeling sessions.
Superman uses it for a boost on those days when he’s feeling not so super.
it puts the lotion on it’s skin or else it gets this quote again.
This is actually a hat with head-mounted high-power ultraviolet laser beams featuring an automatic targeting system. It will protect your skin from any incoming threat, except UV radiation.
That Christian Aujard! What a comical kidder!
Recommended by lobsters everywhere.
Can yiou smell something burning?
Only the Sun can protect you from the Sun!
But Doc, my personal trainer told me to feel the burn!
Heavens! Sun block by the *cough* highly esteemed *cough* stylish *cough cough* designer Christian Audigier?! The wife-abandoning, insufferable douchebag in me has to get ahold of twelve bottles of this stuff, so I can be pictured soaking up the sun in public, also most likely wearing oversized, unflattering shirts with gang writing and prints of tigers on them.
Why prevent the inevitable? Put those damn rays right on your skin! You ain’t gettin’ any younger/prettier/tanner!
For mutants only.
Also make a so tasty gleat glirring sauce-ee!
Paris? :S
SPF -31
I’m GLOWING! Better put on sunscreen, guys, ’cause I’ll make you burn…
Our Father in heaven…
and deliver us WITH evil…Amen.
How can you get burned if you’re already burnt.
Also try our new line of insect repellant.
Protect your skin with bees, mosquitos, and other biting/stinging insects!
and then it puts the rotion on its skin ……. LOL
Try our SPF 32 with x-rays!
– Honey? Are you still in the CAT scanner?
Try also the new ‘Eau de BrainDamage’ by Christian Lobotomy