Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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English lessons with a whip.
Cappuccino As A Second Language classes starting now.
Maybe this is where Starbucks gets those stupid names for Small, Medium and Large.
Note to webmaster: Change the url to http://www.engrash.com
Call now and we’ll teach you how to write proper banners…. NOT !
The creator of the banner was enjoying his Starbucks coffee break and he just didn’t care….
Today’s program starts at 9:00 a’clack!
What balderdish!
Irished up that coffee a little too much, didn’t ya?
Also offering classes in Frinch, Spanush, Italien, and Germoin.
Today’s special: Breakfast combo with coffee, danash, and sandwach (with spinich or horseradash).
Ooooo! Dude! And you’ve already failed your first test…!
Hey! Give them a break. They’ve already spelled more words correctly than 70% of the people on the net who speak English as a native language.
Arrgh! Give him a hundred lashes matey.
But Captain! What would I do with a hundred lashes? I’ve only got little beady eyes.
Damn! All these years, I thought that bilingual means that one is able to speak two languages. I didn’t know I have to intergrate them.
Englash: backlash against people who go to foreign countries and expect everyone to speak English…
Vut’s de matteh? You dun’t alreddy speek Englash?
Buy Englash-the mascara that improves your Engrish vocabulary,
You’ve gotta be bilingual. Learn both Engrish and Englash.
Englash… and all that time we called that language “Engrish”…
@DrZos: in lieu of change of a website, maybe the call EngrashWebMastar ? (EWM)
“Hold it right there, young lady! You’re not going out until you’ve washed the dashes, changed the water in the fash bowl, and finished your Englash homework.”
“But Dad, that won’t leave me with any time to curl my eyelishes!”
A new concept. Being bilingual, is having the ability to stuff-up two languages equally.
ok who let jose nunez here?
All of our instructors are natave speakirs.
All of our instructors are natave speakirs
it’s all Creek to me.
My school is gooder than yours.
I’d like to be enlolled in your Chinish plogram, if you had any.
How much Englash do you need to know to order from Starbucks, anyway?
First lesson: ‘Tha Stirbucks’
Internatianal Schoals