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NOBODY is feeling my stones!
Natural stones with feeling.
I can feel myself perfectly well without leaving home, thank you very much.
So much better than those fake man made stones.
River Kwai Park?
Why do I have this uncontrollable urge to whistle?
Feel myself in front of you? No thank you. 🙂
oooooooooo gettin all touchy feely
All pearl necklaces 1/2 off at BJ central. Just bring your natural stones.
When I think about you I feel myself.
I can’t believe the stones on these guys
I think they are talking about kidney stones (at least I hope so!).
More than two polishes and it’s playing with yourself.
I thought the point of buying her jewelry was so you wouldn’t have to feel yourself.
“Natural stones
genuine jewelry
high quality
HIGH Price”
If I visit you and feel myself, you pay, not me!!! HIGH Price!!!
Good O’. I haven’t been feeling myself lately.
Only Place over the River Kwai
Private cubicles available.
explanation A: a lot of semi-precious stones are fired, dyed, and otherwise altered to make them look like precious stones, so you can’t always tell just by looking.
explanation B: as to the part about feeling, I like Xila31’s comment best.
At a discounted rate? Getting rocks off.
I’m feeling myself right now, do I really need to visit them?
Or don’t visit us and go f*** yourself. Either way.
So; You can feel yourself at the best jewellery centre…
…I dread to think what they get up to at the worst one! 😮
When I first read this, I thought it said “Low pride” not “Low price.”
If you have to be feeling your own stones, your pride must be pretty low.
I thought they said diamonds are a girl’s best friend
i hear the song “cover of the rollin stone” now..wonder….
River Kwai, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
The most finest stones
Should I do this here or should I go in the back?
Of course, all the jewelry is manufactured by British Army POWs.
Natural stones always have that effect on me…
I can do that anywhere!