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I wonder if they have a separate refridgerator for it.
Black coffee smooth enough for a president!
Or even a Birther!
The drink that will get you fired from your job 😛
Tiger Woods has a line called ‘Sneaky Black Boss’
I must be color blind.
Although he’s had to change it to ‘Sulky Black Boss’
or ‘Sorry Black Boss’
I’m a little short of change…can I just have a bottle of Silky Black Middle Level Management instead?
I call him “Bob”…
Yeah, Baby! Who’s yer Daddy!!!
@faulty wiring. Tiger Woods always play eighteen holes.
Trouble is – they are all in different countries.
EDIT: plays.
“Silky Black” sounds more like a condom.
“Uh. Mr Schwarzenegger. Will you have black or white coffee?”
Ralph Hamilton | 4:54 am |
EDIT: plays.
I think you meant PAYS…
Perfect drink before your sexual harassment trial.
I hope you aren’t afraid of the dark…
“Boss” is dated slang for “cool.” These are three adjectives describing the coffee.
let me guess the other drink is called “satiny white secretary”
Billy Dee Williams’ preferred coffee.
If it was on Air Force One, the boss would be smoking a cigarette, not a pipe!
Well… this site has gone from possibly harmless to racist.
The BEST coffee! Silky Black Boss always kicks Sorry White Ass!
What you get if you cross Barry White with Bruce Springsteen.
Best drunk whilst listening to that old 1970’s soul tune “Shaft”.
Obama smoking a pipe looks a lot like that Rev. Bob Dobson character (Church of the Subgenius) spray-painted everywhere.
It’s a hair gel for those who want silky black hair which also can be drank safely as a canned coffee.
Thuggy, no separate fridge. Apartheid is just wrong!
Can I trade my skinny white boss for a silky black boss? Sounds like the swap of the “Suntory” to me.
You the man!
Is he descended from the legendary pirate Richard Le Noir who was also known as “Big Black DIck?”
Silky Black
Sugar free . Black
Silky and sugar free. Is it free of calories?
The official drink of the FBI from 1935-1972
for white pipe smoking chaps everywhere.
this feels somewhat racist.
Drink like a silky black boss!
Silky Big Boss
– Would you like something hot and black, darling?