Works best with anti toe-stubbing shampoo. Both available at Pooo!
faulty wiring
14 years ago
or Anti-toe stubbing Conditioner.
faulty wiring
14 years ago
comes free with every bottle of baijiu
faulty wiring
14 years ago
“The shock performance of China’s freestyle parachute team remains a mystery. New sponsors Bawang corporation say they are ‘bitterly disappointed but not surprised’ by the teams dismal failure to descend to earth, but are ‘gratified’ that the team all maintain a shiny head of hair. Just how the team apparently defy gravity remains a mystery, as does the manner in which they will be retrieved from 15000 feet, where they continue to float.”
Big Fat Cat
14 years ago
Jackie Chan is laughing at that guy’s bald spot.
14 years ago
Bawang Shampoo in the new Weebles applicator! Bawang woobles but it won’t fall down!
If our glorious Chaieman says you may not fall. The party will re-educate you, to realize that decadent falling actions are redundant in the illustrious rule of our glorious leader.
Ralph Hamilton
14 years ago
EDIT Chairman.
14 years ago
If only Jerry Lewis and Dick Van Dyke had had this back in the sixties.
14 years ago
Isn’t that guy (uh, the one that iSN’T Jackie Chan) the same dude that was on that tube of toothpaste posted a few months ago?
Imagine. Jackie Chan, the master of falling stunts, advertising anti-gravity shampoo!
Prevent those nasty falls with this product and prevent moth mouth with our other fine product!
14 years ago
Why oh why… when I search Google on “bawang”, I get pictures of garlic?
Anti-Falling, Anti-Vampire, Ante-pasto.
14 years ago
I’m still not entirely sure how they did it, but it really is Jackie Chan shilling the stuff. I see the TV commercials all the time. I never thought it would make it here since my brain automatically fills in the words that should be there (hint- it’s your hair falling that it prevents) and thus I never thought of it too much.
Jackie Chan plummeted 18 floors while the wig stayed floating in the frame…
The fine print on the bottle read. ‘Anti falling shampoo. NOT syrup’
14 years ago
They should market this stuff to the elderly!
14 years ago
When you fall down for a living, you just want to go home, wash your hair, and stay upright for a few hours.
14 years ago
What a minute? The guy in the seal was also on the picture of anti-moth toothpaste in this earlier post: Is he the glorious chairman of hygiene?
14 years ago
I noticed that too. It’s the seal of the Ministry of Things In Tubes.
At a rough guess, I’d say it’s probabally the company founder or CEO. Some firms do have a rather odd habit of putting their chairman *on* their products! 😮
In this TV commercial Jackie Chan claims he used it and it works for him. Indeed this commercial has made a huge repercussion in the Asian society.
Rylan Flautzinator
14 years ago
PARACHUTER 1: I spy with my little eye….
PARACHUTER 2: The novelty worn off a long time ago dude. we stuck up here, and were probably going to die as floating corpses.
PARACHUTER 3: Uh, Guys!?!
PARACHUTER 3: That plan is comig right for us!
Hair raising consequences… With AND without it!
Works for me, but I’m bald.
Works best with anti toe-stubbing shampoo. Both available at Pooo!
or Anti-toe stubbing Conditioner.
comes free with every bottle of baijiu
“The shock performance of China’s freestyle parachute team remains a mystery. New sponsors Bawang corporation say they are ‘bitterly disappointed but not surprised’ by the teams dismal failure to descend to earth, but are ‘gratified’ that the team all maintain a shiny head of hair. Just how the team apparently defy gravity remains a mystery, as does the manner in which they will be retrieved from 15000 feet, where they continue to float.”
Jackie Chan is laughing at that guy’s bald spot.
Bawang Shampoo in the new Weebles applicator! Bawang woobles but it won’t fall down!
Hair raising consequences… Whether you use it or not!
BAWANG! POW!! ZOOM!!! The shampoo of superheros! (Utility belt with safety net sold separately.)
Bawang! Now with kung fu grip!
Is Bawang the Chinese equivalent of Acme?
If our glorious Chaieman says you may not fall. The party will re-educate you, to realize that decadent falling actions are redundant in the illustrious rule of our glorious leader.
EDIT Chairman.
If only Jerry Lewis and Dick Van Dyke had had this back in the sixties.
Isn’t that guy (uh, the one that iSN’T Jackie Chan) the same dude that was on that tube of toothpaste posted a few months ago?
Imagine. Jackie Chan, the master of falling stunts, advertising anti-gravity shampoo!
The nemesis of “No win, no fee” accident lawyers everywhere! 😀
So THAT’S how Jesus managed to walk across the Sea of Galilee and stay upright throughout! 🙂
BAWANG – The sound you make when you start to fall, but then you bounce back up.
@ Pete
Oh my, it is the same dude.
Prevent those nasty falls with this product and prevent moth mouth with our other fine product!
Why oh why… when I search Google on “bawang”, I get pictures of garlic?
Anti-Falling, Anti-Vampire, Ante-pasto.
I’m still not entirely sure how they did it, but it really is Jackie Chan shilling the stuff. I see the TV commercials all the time. I never thought it would make it here since my brain automatically fills in the words that should be there (hint- it’s your hair falling that it prevents) and thus I never thought of it too much.
Jackie Chan plummeted 18 floors while the wig stayed floating in the frame…
The fine print on the bottle read. ‘Anti falling shampoo. NOT syrup’
They should market this stuff to the elderly!
When you fall down for a living, you just want to go home, wash your hair, and stay upright for a few hours.
What a minute? The guy in the seal was also on the picture of anti-moth toothpaste in this earlier post: Is he the glorious chairman of hygiene?
I noticed that too. It’s the seal of the Ministry of Things In Tubes.
At a rough guess, I’d say it’s probabally the company founder or CEO. Some firms do have a rather odd habit of putting their chairman *on* their products! 😮
The following page on the official Bawang website (Or more the photos) seems to agree with my assumption, too. 🙂
“bawang” is tagalog (filipino) for garlic!
not recommended for clumsy people
Please watch
In this TV commercial Jackie Chan claims he used it and it works for him. Indeed this commercial has made a huge repercussion in the Asian society.
PARACHUTER 1: I spy with my little eye….
PARACHUTER 2: The novelty worn off a long time ago dude. we stuck up here, and were probably going to die as floating corpses.
PARACHUTER 3: Uh, Guys!?!
PARACHUTER 3: That plan is comig right for us!
to be continued…….. 😮
Give your hair just the kick it needs.
For those who can’t or are just too lazy to tie their shoelaces
Good for your hair, because if one strand falls, it might get hurt…
Bawang, now with more Viagara. It’s not just for hair anymore.
Your hair will be so strong after using our shampoo, it’ll snap back with a loud “Bawang!” when you comb it.
Total sham! Jackie doesn’t use this product (he is always falling)! I feel as a consumer that this is false advertising, I’m returning my purchase!
It’ll keep your hair suspended in mid-air!
Bawang is not only referring to hair…
alwais use it before tightrope walking
Bugs Bunny uses this hair-raising formula all the time to avoid falling off a cliff. Gravity Is A Harsh Mistress – so you need Bawang Shampoo.
“Anti Falling Shampoo: Keeps your Bawang erect!”
Good too for fear of flying.
Gravity means nothing when your hair smells nice!