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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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The new house of parliament.
No, it’s the new scientology HQ
I’m grateful it won’t inconvenience my passage….
Your sign causes inconvenience to my understanding.
Road under construction: expect mental blocks.
I do understand, but it is really inconvenient to show it.
Now it hurts to think.
“It’s the end of the world as you know it!”
I don’t get it…
I build walls anywhere
The new story is called “What? Huh? and Beyond.”
Sign to cause inconvenience to my comprehension.
Sorry about the inconvenience. Here’s a big-ass string of pearls to make up for it.
It seems that sophists are finally returning to the business…?
Are they installing more of those strange blue drinking fountains?
new jewelry line: confusion
“I keep telling you guys – it’s design and build, not build then design!”
And now you know why the New York State budget is late again my friends.
at least they ar honest about the REAL purpose of this contstruction
An Inconvenient Truth
Are they building that just to irritate me??
“Your taxes at work”
No wonder I can’t understand what it says! The construction is causing inconvenience to my understanding
Finally an Engrish with 100% truth in advertising! My understanding is very inconvenienced.
Kant touch this.
However, our common sense will not be moved…!
…then again, maybe it will be.
At least those folks are much better at entertaining passers-by than North American construction crews. C’mon, why can’t this side of the pond add a little mindbender like that once in a while?
… because we like to play with your mind.