Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Circles and spheres only
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© 1999 - 2025 Engrish.com. All rights reserved.
Mr. Cobain-you’re DEFINITELY not allowed in!
We want to keep it fair for everybody.
Hey, meet my friend Mack the Knife…
Have a pair of hands instead.
I lost my edge years ago already, so I guess I’ll fit right in, then.
And, it’s always nice to see an advert on the “bleeding X” of technology.
ok I get the point
And that sanctimonious prick Bono can stay out too.
To put it bluntly…
For a dull time call…
Obviously not the entrance to a rehab clinic.
Mediocrity rules.
I never get the upper hand…
Losers welcome
Well-rounded individuals only.
Also no hip, cool, in, chic, or must haves allowed.
Macolm X not velly welcome.
The Japanese equivalent to the phrase “Don’t have a cow, man”
Ovoids are allowed, too… But no digons!
guess its not hip to be square…
this is the fan club for those who DONT like the wwe superstar EDGE
Do you live on the edge? Well I fell off of it a few years ago.
You must be self-centered people to enter this club.
Stubbing his toe on a stone, the Cardinal tumbled and let fall the cross he bore.
Polygons and Pentagons are strictly forbidden!
So Spheral sphere IS top of cool shape in the world…
Dull Personalities only.
sign spotted on Bono’s dressing room door
“Edge” is Japanese slang for the left thumb.
Have a Bono instead
I haven’t sharpened my nose since last month, so I guess I’m okay.
…but the “X” in the picture has eight of them!
bubble wrap can’t handle the truth.
Don’t be a.. Square?
Or a giant pink X will slice your fingahs.
Polygons, caffeine, and heated discussion are strictly prohibited.
ow The edge